Sooo frustrated!

My husband and I started the metabolism kickstart on Monday. As of yesterday he lost 5 lbs and I'm at a measily little 1lb. I've stuck to this diet all week with little variance and when I do "cheat" it's with healthy foods like grapefruit. I personally think that eating the meal plan with my caloric intake between 1,000 and 1,200 has put my body into starvation mode. When I did the calculation to find out how many calories I need a day it was around 1,750. I'm burning around 500 calories with the two workouts a day. This is so frustrating!!


  • erinkelly77
    Men typically lose weight at a faster pace than women. It just happens. Don't compare yourself to your husband. Focus on your loss. You lost a whole pound in 4 days. That's amazing. Also - I have heard (not an expert here...) that when you start working your muscles more than you are used to - you can retain water. Eventually your body will even itself out.
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    Men typically lose weight at a faster pace than women. It just happens. Don't compare yourself to your husband. Focus on your loss. You lost a whole pound in 4 days. That's amazing. Also - I have heard (not an expert here...) that when you start working your muscles more than you are used to - you can retain water. Eventually your body will even itself out.

    totally agree!!! and try only weighing in once a week!
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    Men lose faster than women, sucks but it's true! So don't get discouraged.

    Also I don't really know much about you but the least amount of calories a woman should consume is 1200, so if you're only eating 1000 on some days that could maybe be what's slowing you down.

    Also i believe in NETTING 1200 (or pretty darn close to it). MFP sets you up with a calorie deficit already so if you are set up to lose 1.5-2lbs a week with just dieting and then you exercise on top of that. You need to eat those calories back.!
  • Mommy_J
    Mommy_J Posts: 20 Member
    Be sure to also measure your bodyfat percentage and your inches. I changed my eating about a week ago and have done body revolution for 5 days so I expected to see weight loss, but when I weighed in I was the same. I was dissapointed, but then found out my bf went down by 1.8% and I've lost 16 inches overall! So remember, the scale doesnt always tell the whole story. :)
  • Mommy_J
    Mommy_J Posts: 20 Member
    Also, Jillian's eating plan is generalized. I'm no expert, but I would say it's definitely better to eat according to your personal calorie needs.