Which one to eat?

kyunda Posts: 340 Member
So i just went to scooby and enter my information and this is what i got....

Daily cal: 2065

I"m 5'5, 31yo female, 197lbs. I'm doing Chalean Extreme(weight lifting program) 3x week and HIIT cardio maybe 2-3x times. Which one do i eat at first?



  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Assuming you've calculated yiur numbers correctly to get your average TDEE of 2581 ... I suggest subtracting 10-20%?from that # every day , depending on your. The TDEE calc includes your BMR, your average NEAT ( based on activity level u chose) and your workouts ( using the frequency/intensity level u chose.

    Based on your description of your workouts, that 2500 # sounds reasonable ...actually maybe a bit low. It's important to eat enough to fuel yiur workouts and keep your metabolism humming.

    I assume you are upping cals ?
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks Jen. I chose the 20% reduction when i did the calculation on scooby. Do i still need to subtract 10-20%? I chose moderate exercise.

    And yes i'm upping cals. Currently im eating 1400-1510 a day
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    nope! you are good then! subtract 20% from your TDEE # .. that is prob that 200oish #. ( Can't do math in my head). LOL

    However ... could I nudge you to trying a smaller cut - 10% to start? Try that for a month. You can always go down to 20% if needed : )

    Ah. I just saw upping from 1400-1500. Yep. Start with the 2000ish . You know you don't add exercise cals back on top. You eat the 2000ish every day. It averages out throughout the week.

    And .. if you are working out 5/6 days a week .. you MAY be more than moderate A common error is underestimating your activity. Hmmmmm. Is Chalean Extreme - weighted cardio or pure lifting? and you do 2/3 days of HIIT? That's quite a bit.

    Why don't you calc at moderate and the next level - intense. See what #s you get. Then average the 2 - see what you get. I'd prob go with THAT # then 20% cut from that.

    At a minimum - do the 20% cut from the 2500 calc. See how your body responds. MY goal has always been to eat as much as possible while losing / making other goal progress. I want to be able to eat as high as possible as I move in to maintenance for LIFE.

  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Yea i can do a 10% cut for a month. Yea i had my cals set for 1510 but some days i cant hit that. I freak out if i go over on my sugar or sodium than i stop eating.

    Chalean Exreme is pure weight lifting. There are some cardio dvds in the program but i only do the weights. It has 3 phases for lifting Burn, Push and then lean each about 30-40mins. I'm currently wrapping up the push month. So MWF i lift. Sometimes I may do a Turbo Fire HIIT class(15mins or 20mins) after lifting weights just one day a week and another cardio workout later that week. I'm trying to cut my cardio down some.

    Ok so the next level up would put me at daily cals 2298 with 20% cut or 2585 with a 10% cut.

    Moderated would be 2065 with a 20% cut and 2323 with a 10% cut

    So are you saying that i should take the avg of 2065+2298 (20% at both levels)= 2181cals a day and for the 10% cut 2585+2323=2454....

    I want to get this right! I agree with you about eating more for life. I want to tone up and get these boobs off my back :laugh:
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Yes on the averaging.

    With 3 days lifting and 2 of HIIT ..2 days rest ...that's pretty intense. what is your normal daily non exercise activity like??
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    For the most part i have a desk job. I'm an Fire Inspector for a University. I walk all of our 80+ buildings doing inspections twice a year. Jan-March then May-June. For about 4-6 hours out of my 8 hr work day 3-4 days a week. After all that im done, to tired to do anything else. Go home cook, eat, study sleep.

    But this is also what my day looks like when i workout. I to workout in the am if not after i have done all this at work ii come home and workout.

    I wear a bodymedia and most days i get in 8500-13000 steps a day and burn between 1700-2500cals a day. Am i doing to much? Should i just do my lifting and remove my HIIT workouts?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ditto's to no HIIT if already lifting with the same muscles. HIIT is like lifting. At least if you can do it properly, and probably can't doing that much.

    Also, with daily activity already lifting you past Light Active level, your exercise for sure pushed it higher than Moderately Active.

    That would be correct if you remove the HIIT and only walk as recovery on day after lifting.

    Also, true lifting is a few sets and rests, and weight lifted is heavy enough to fail or almost after those few sets and reps. Doesn't that video pretty much keep it constant, more of a cardio workout, or do they really stop and allow rest for 1 min or longer?
    And how many reps to do they do, thought i read up on that one and they were doing 30 some reps.

    That's still strong cardio focus with lifting side benefit. Still good for you, and big calorie burner.
    True lifting actually doesn't burn that much during the session, but more later.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Each phase is different. But for the 2 that i have done. Burn is no more than 10 reps and Push is no more than 8 reps because you are lifting much heavier in this phase. In the push phase i truly push so i fail at about 6-7 reps. Then on some of the workout she does a 10 sec rest than you do 3 more reps super slow and thats it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Each phase is different. But for the 2 that i have done. Burn is no more than 10 reps and Push is no more than 8 reps because you are lifting much heavier in this phase. In the push phase i truly push so i fail at about 6-7 reps. Then on some of the workout she does a 10 sec rest than you do 3 more reps super slow and thats it.

    in that case I could see Moderately Active TDEE rounded up to nearest 100 (but if 1590, go to 1700), then take that 10% deficit.

    Hold steady for couple weeks. With body getting more food and great workouts, likely to see great body improvements, not really weight loss, though probably fat loss.

    But you'll feel what the energy level is like, and then can drop to 15% and confirm it's just as good.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Ok thank you.