sorry it's another one of those, but please!

natesangel Posts: 210 Member
alright so i determined with the HRM (polar ft 7) that i burn an average of 128 cals an hour daily (worn for 13 hours during a rainy blah do nothing day with my girl).
common math (google research, i know bear with me!) shows that the average person burns approximately 0.42 * pounds per hour sleeping (adjust for more muscle, activity blah blah) putting me at 68.8 cals per hour. total that out when i average 9 hours sleep to 619 cals over night.
that makes it a total of 2540 cals burned every 24 hours NOT including exercise. SERIOUSLY? so i should be eating just over 2000 cals a day to loose 1 lb a week?

age 33, 5'5" currently 164lbs, female (in case you didn't catch that!)

i love the idea of eat more 2 weigh less, it makes sense to me, i've been slowly up'ing for a couple months now (didn't expect loss during this time but happy to report no significant gain, less than 1 lbs total!) i just can't grasp the concept of that many cals being right for me after all these years of being brainwashed into the 1200 cal diet (not that it ever worked). my last 'up' was to 1642 daily, as of today i'm going for 1900+ and see how that goes. i currently do cardio (walking) and jillian (30DS and Ri30 with 10 lbs weights) daily and am planning on getting some gym/heavy weight time in sept when my girl goes into preschool (it's a whole facility thing)

if someone would be so kind as to double check my numbers, i've done all the online TDEE and BMR calculators and the numbers from them are pretty close if i accept that i am moderately active on a slow day (my 3 yr old is a 'go bug'!)



  • Gapwedge01
    alright so i determined with the HRM (polar ft 7) that i burn an average of 128 cals an hour daily (worn for 13 hours during a rainy blah do nothing day with my girl).
    common math (google research, i know bear with me!) shows that the average person burns approximately 0.42 * pounds per hour sleeping (adjust for more muscle, activity blah blah) putting me at 68.8 cals per hour. total that out when i average 9 hours sleep to 619 cals over night.
    that makes it a total of 2540 cals burned every 24 hours NOT including exercise. SERIOUSLY? so i should be eating just over 2000 cals a day to loose 1 lb a week?

    age 33, 5'5" currently 164lbs, female (in case you didn't catch that!)

    i love the idea of eat more 2 weigh less, it makes sense to me, i've been slowly up'ing for a couple months now (didn't expect loss during this time but happy to report no significant gain, less than 1 lbs total!) i just can't grasp the concept of that many cals being right for me after all these years of being brainwashed into the 1200 cal diet (not that it ever worked). my last 'up' was to 1642 daily, as of today i'm going for 1900+ and see how that goes. i currently do cardio (walking) and jillian (30DS and Ri30 with 10 lbs weights) daily and am planning on getting some gym/heavy weight time in sept when my girl goes into preschool (it's a whole facility thing)

    if someone would be so kind as to double check my numbers, i've done all the online TDEE and BMR calculators and the numbers from them are pretty close if i accept that i am moderately active on a slow day (my 3 yr old is a 'go bug'!)


    Welcome to the group.

    Just a personal opinion here. I would not rely on a Polar FT7 or any HRM to measure my calories for a daily measurement. If you are going that route get a Fitbit or a Body Media.
    The Scooby website: will get you very close. Take in mind all of these are estimates, but I have found the Katch McArdle using my BF% to be the best for me.
    Once you calculate your BMR then choose the appropriate activity for a week's worth of exercise and calculate your TDEE. Then depending upon how close you are to your goal weight you can take a 10-20% deficit off of the TDEE. The TDEE includes your exercise so you would not be eating back your calories.
    Yes, those numbers seem big, but guess what they work.
    What have you been currently daily eating at calorie wise net?
    How long have you been eating at that level?
    Have you lost any weight at your current level of eating? Or are you stalled?

    If you have read the stickies at the top you will know that you may need to work your way back up to your TDEE maintenance level for several weeks to reset your metabolism before cutting a deficit again. Hope this helps some.

    PS You can read through this post to see what I have personally experienced:
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    thanks, yep i've tried those numbers and they scare me! lol! but i'm trying.

    What have you been currently daily eating at calorie wise net? i set at 1642 and eat back exercise (since it varies big time depending on day and activity) i try to get as close to that as possible unless i'm just not hungry, then i may just drink a juice to finish up.

    How long have you been eating at that level? at this level currently 1+months (up'd from 1500 something,up'd from 1300 something i don't remember i just knew i was cranky and sore!)

    Have you lost any weight at your current level of eating? Or are you stalled? at 1642 i lost 1 lbs (4 weeks work i weigh in on monday after period only) before that i stalled, before that i lost the weight in my ticker but felt really bad physically and emotionally. during my 'up'ing' i gained less than 1 lbs and just lost that again so happy, small changes in tape measure (less than inch mostly for the good) and strength is getting better as is definition visually.

    thank you for posting the link to your journey, that was very inspirational! i love these em2wl stories and it's why i've chosen to give it a try, i'm tired of being sick and tired and not seeing lasting results (over the years i've tried a few!) and with having pcos i know that my numbers are something i need to watch!
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    going to try 1879 (scooby set at moderate %20) and continue logging exercise as i have been (jillian or anything else hard core (for me) sweating like a stuck pig gets logged as is on hrm, anything else is the number seen -128) as the 'moderate' is my daily motherly/wifely life! slow walks usually don't count for extra unless i'm pushing stroller or carrying her on my back (35lbs!)
    would still love all the opinions i can get though, my favourite research is to read it all and take the bulk with a grain of salt and find a common thread, then try it!
  • Gapwedge01
    going to try 1879 (scooby set at moderate %20) and continue logging exercise as i have been (jillian or anything else hard core (for me) sweating like a stuck pig gets logged as is on hrm, anything else is the number seen -128) as the 'moderate' is my daily motherly/wifely life! slow walks usually don't count for extra unless i'm pushing stroller or carrying her on my back (35lbs!)
    would still love all the opinions i can get though, my favourite research is to read it all and take the bulk with a grain of salt and find a common thread, then try it!

    Reading and researching is good. Remember doing heavy doses of cardio may require you to eat a lot closer to your TDEE. Keep your protein macros in the 35-40% range as you tend to lose LBM with cardio. What you want to do is lose body fat. Eating protein will help in retaining your LBM.
    Others will chime in here I am sure, and yes it is good to ask questions.
  • Betta2
    Betta2 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree re the HRM readings....I have had huge differences between Polar F11 (very high) and Polar FT40 (very low). So big that I wore both while doing P90X and other workouts just to check: hundreds of calories difference between the two. When I questioned Polar about it, they said they have developed/changed the algorithms that do the computing (supposed to be more accurate with the FT40 and newer HRMs), and that fluctuation is because of that. This is truly a big deal if you eat back your exercise calories!! I would just caution that any of these readings are estimates at best, and should not be used to seriously morph your food intake unless your body indicates it needs more cals (or fewer cals).
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    curious as to how the fitbit tracks cals burned?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    curious as to how the fitbit tracks cals burned?

    The site calculates your BMR, from that RMR can be figured.
    That is used for all non-moving and slow-moving below a certain pace time in your day. Really a big chunk of your day. BMR for sleeping time.

    Then it tracks your steps and calculates pace, and standard calculations on pace and weight are highly accurate for walking 2-4 mph and running 4-6.3 mph.

    It will underestimate activity that is not steps but still intense, or like weight lifting where it has no idea, or over estimate stuff that bounces a lot but not that hard work. Like some group or DVD classes.

    Ride a bouncy road with it attached in the wrong spot, get a big calorie count.

    The BodyMediaFit claims to involve other sensors to make that more accurate, but studies with their unit show otherwise. And I researched that when I proved mine wasn't using the sensors for claimed reasons.

    Oh, and HRM formula's for calorie burn are only valid for the aerobic zone from light exercise to your lactate threshold where you start burning anaerobically, and steady-state so HR holds in same spot for 3-5 min.
    So lifting and intervals are inflated, as is below light exercise level.