Starting CLX on 2/17 and getting excited!

I am getting ready to start ChaLEAN Extreme in a week and am super excited. I am just starting my last week in Slim in 6 and am ready for the change and higher intensity.

I am a little nervous about trying to figure out what size weight to use for each of the exercises. Any suggestions?

Anyone else starting soon or just started?


  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    She gives you examples of what she uses then you'll just have to adjust to what you need, have you lifted before and can use a medium weight or are you new to lifting and need to start lighter? Of course you'll use heavier for squats etc and lighter for certain arm or shoulder moves. You'll write it all down and be able to adjust week to week just by knowing what you did the previous week.
    Loved ChaLean Extreme! I've moved on to P90X but will probably do CLX again.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • susanmarnold
    I am glad she gives you an idea. I have watched the Pre-DVD but not previewed any of the workouts. I have lifted some but never focused on the lift heavy concept.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    During the Burn phase, I used 5, 8, 10, and 12 pound weights, and 3lb weights for Burn Intervals. The 5lb weights were mostly for triceps and the little shoulder muscles.

    I'm in Push now and am using 10, 12, 15, and 20 for the most part.