Input please :)

Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
Hey guys,

My current height 5'2", weight 152 lbs, and body fat using the fat2fitradio calculator says 36% yikes. I am 37 years young.

This is my second attempt at losing weight with mfp. In 2011, I ate 1200 cals/day a worked out (30 mins of cardio and lifting 5-6 x week) for 5 mnths. I only lost 8lbs and went down 1 clothing size (10-8) in those 5 months. I realized on this attempt (end of Dec 2012) that I was stupid and should have listened to wise people on here and eat my exercise calories back.

In Jan 2012 I began working out 4-5 x week 20-30 min cardio with lifting (not heavy) and then changed to Insanity 3 weeks ago. I am still occasionally doing cardio maybe 1 x week in addition to the Insanity and stopped lifting. MFP set my calories to 1330 for a 1 lb loss per week and I've been eating that plus exercise cals back daily. Macros were set to the default 40/30/30. I measure my food but no scale. I track everything excep a couple days when I was sick and barely ate. I do not take cheat days or days off. I lost 2lbs the first 2 week% s and 1lb the next week for a total of 7lbs. This past week I lost nothing. My diary is set to lightly active and nothing has changed except I went from cardio (usually walking on treadmill, zumba, or elliptical) and lifting to just doing insanity.

I just changed my diary today to 1500, (previously 1330) so it may look "off" when you view prior days. I was a bit confused about whether I should increase cals but reading some of your posts/links it looks like if my BMR is 1300 I should be eating more like 1500...hence the change today.

My questions are: Am I on the right track? What am I missing, if anything?


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you tried setting your targets based on the information here?
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    I read this link this morning and just changed it today. I was 40/30/30 by default and changed to 40%carbs/35%Protein/25%Fat. based on the calculations indicated. Do you think that may help?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Help with what? Sorry, just trying to clarify.
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Help with my ignorance LOL. Ummm I guess help make sure I'm not way off track. Sorry.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Help with my ignorance LOL. Ummm I guess help make sure I'm not way off track. Sorry.

    No worries. I will see if your numbers make sense and get back to you shortly.

    Macros in themselves do not help you lose weight per se, a caloric deficit does that. They do help with maintaining LBM (protein), assuming you are also strength training, keeping your body healthy (fats) and giving you energy (carbs).
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks :smile:
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Just bumping so I can find your answer later :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So, your settings look reasonable. A couple of suggestions/questions though:

    - Invest in a digital scale – measuring dry foods can be really off – see this video for a bit of an eye opener.

    - Why did you up your calories to 1,500 and where did you get this number from? Not saying it’s wrong, just that it is higher than the MFP setting – and as you used lightly active, you did not make the usual mistake of assuming sedentary which is good, the increase does not seem necessary. I recalc'd your numbers using an online calculator, without exercise, and they are coming in, in line with MFP.

    - Eat about 75 % of your exercise calories back if you are going with MFPs settings

    - Set your macros at:
    - Protein: 106g
    - Fats: 53g
    The balance can be wherever but treat the protein and fats as a minimum.