Workout 1B much easier than 1A?



  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    If anything I think they are too quick, I'm only working out for 30 minutes tops.

    This morning I did A and B. It took like an hour which I liked. Only doing 2 sets of 12 seemed too short.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    If anything I think they are too quick, I'm only working out for 30 minutes tops.

    Do you do a warm up or cool down? I usually run for 10 min before and bike for 10 min after. Ends up being about 50 min to an hour.

    I have been told that if you do a little cardio to get your heart pumping before you lift you also burn more calories, and your muscles rebuild faster (something about your arteries expanding because of oxygen increase to the muscles??). Whether this is true? I don't know. Personally, I feel like I get a good workout and am less sore the next day.

    As far as A being easier than B, I don't think so. I know I prefer B. Just because I despise step!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    If anything I think they are too quick, I'm only working out for 30 minutes tops.

    This morning I did A and B. It took like an hour which I liked. Only doing 2 sets of 12 seemed too short.
    I've been told that Stage 2 can take 60-90 minutes so I'm enjoying the short sessions. I just make sure to make the most and lift heavy, where i couldn't eek out 2 more reps when I reach the outlined total.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I'm clearly odd as I find 1B much harder - mainly because I can't lunge for *kitten* :grumble: my quads cry when I do them - and I'm only using body weight. :sad: But I've always been rubbish at lunges so hopefully they will improve.

    I love the quick workouts - and I'm doing the longer version (24 workouts instead of 18) as I'm a total noob and want to get the form right :laugh: