new to this board!

I'm new to this board! I've been lifting on a bodybuilding-style split program since October. I've been seeing great increases in my strength, and I definitely look better. I went from 28.8% bf to about 25% within the first 2 months, but now that stupid % just won't seem to budge GRRRR. Oh well though, as long as I keep getting stronger that's all I really worry about! I'd love to add some friends from this board whose goals are similar to mine! Here are my stats:

33 years old
125 lbs
25% bf (per my home scale)
23% bf (caliper measurement last week)

I hit the gym in the early am, lift on a split routine, and do cardio 30 min (minimum) as often as I have time for it, which is 4-5 times a week. I lift first cuz it's my priority so sometimes cardio doesn't make it into my day :) Anyhow, if you want to add me that would be great!


  • candi_girl24
    candi_girl24 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! Our goals may be different but I do wish you the best of luck in your fitness journey. :-)
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I'm new too!

    HI I'm Jess

    I started doing New rules of lifting last fall, then i was sick for 2 months and my training was sidelined.. But now i LOVE lifting...

    I have been doing GSP Rushfit videos at home and I love that program!! i really recommend it.. I lift at the gum, my faves are deadlift, squat, overhead squat, and I'm trying to teach myself the rest of the Olympic style lifts.

    I'm 31, from Toronto Canada, and still have about 20-30 more lbs to lose, I'm at 31% BF and i would like to drop that more so than the scale weight!

    Anyways.. Nice to meet you all! Add me if you like!
  • Female_On_Fire
    Female_On_Fire Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I'm new to this group and also new to strength training! I lost my first 40 lbs strictly doing cardio but I'm ready to lose the next 40 and add strength training. Really hoping to make some knowledgeable motivated friends!!!! Just started with kettlebells and am working on proper form and technique.