First stats??



  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    My fit test results back on 2/4.

    SwitchKicks: 38 (2 kicks= 1 rep)
    PowerJacks: 35
    PowerKnees: 86
    PowerJumps: 30
    GlobeJumps: 7 (1 full rotation = 1 rep)
    SuicideJumps: 17
    Push-UpJacks: 23
    LowPlankOblique: 28
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member

    Fit Test


    Couldn't do one push up jack, I had tried day one of P90X Sunday and im still super sore.(properly couldn't do many anyway. This is pretty bad but I am going to do as much as I can everyday. That will be 100% more than I'm doing now. Sooner or later I'll be better. Day one tomorrow 4:15 am.
  • cbwilliams2004
    cbwilliams2004 Posts: 24 Member
    So I just finished month one (I added an extra week due to scheduling). I'll have another fit test next week, but here are the results from my first one, to the latest. This is in four week's time:

    Exercise: Week 1 / Week 4
    Switch Kicks: 80 / 117
    Power Jacks: 41 / 47
    Power Knees: 95 / 117
    Power Jumps: 24 / 50
    Globe Jumps: 6.75 / 10.5
    Suicide Jumps: 11 / 17
    Push Up Jacks: 18 / 31
    Low Plank Obliques: 21 / 40
  • jfryberger
    jfryberger Posts: 8 Member
    slow start-sorry.
    height: 5'4"
    sw 204 after baby #4, cw 185
    fit test done 2-14-13
    pj: 41
    pk: 63
    pjump: 33 (don't know if i did these totally right)
    push up j: 13
    lp obliq: 46.

    didn't get around to the fit test till I had already done 4 days of workout.
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    I didn't take measurements, but my stats are:

    Height: 4'11"
    Weight: 113.6
    Age: 27 (to be 28 in two weeks)

    I am only weighing myself every Monday am. I started the blog on this site to track the workouts, and instead of an "every day" thin I gave myself a deadline in which to complete the whole program - May 1. It gives me roughly 2 weeks of fudge factor, in case I miss a workout.
  • Just did my second Fit test. First numbers are from the first fit test:

    Height: 5"8 or 178cm
    Weight: 214lbs or 97.3kg / 212lbs or 96.3kg

    Switch kicks: 57 / 62
    Power jacks: 37 / 57
    Power knees: 87 / 103
    Power jumps: 33 / 38
    Globe jumps: 11 / 9 (I lost count the first ime)
    Suicide jumps: 10 / 12
    Push-up jacks: 6 / 18 (the first ime i didn't do the jacks. Strength is improving fast :smile:
    Low plank obliques: 11 / 50 (I have lower back issues and really wasn't able to do this properly the first time, and now I can!! only after 2 weeks. Didn't expect my back would improve.


    Chest: 111cm / 111
    L Bicep: 37cm / 36
    R Bicep: 37cm / 35,5
    Waist: 114.5cm / 112
    Hips: 100cm / 100
    L thigh: 64.5cm / 64
    R thigh: 62cm / 64
    L calf: 45.5cm / 45.5
    R calf: 44.5cm / 44.5

    I think I really improved the second time. The measurements not that much, but no matter, i feel a lot better.
  • kiwi321
    kiwi321 Posts: 11 Member
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 150 pounds

    Fit Test #1:
    switch kicks- 70
    power jacks-38
    power knees- 50
    power jumps- 25
    globe jumps- 7
    suicide jumps- 10
    push-up jacks- 16
    low plank oblique- 27
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Just did my second Fit test. First numbers are from the first fit test:

    Height: 5"8 or 178cm
    Weight: 214lbs or 97.3kg / 212lbs or 96.3kg

    Switch kicks: 57 / 62
    Power jacks: 37 / 57
    Power knees: 87 / 103
    Power jumps: 33 / 38
    Globe jumps: 11 / 9 (I lost count the first ime)
    Suicide jumps: 10 / 12
    Push-up jacks: 6 / 18 (the first ime i didn't do the jacks. Strength is improving fast :smile:
    Low plank obliques: 11 / 50 (I have lower back issues and really wasn't able to do this properly the first time, and now I can!! only after 2 weeks. Didn't expect my back would improve.


    Chest: 111cm / 111
    L Bicep: 37cm / 36
    R Bicep: 37cm / 35,5
    Waist: 114.5cm / 112
    Hips: 100cm / 100
    L thigh: 64.5cm / 64
    R thigh: 62cm / 64
    L calf: 45.5cm / 45.5
    R calf: 44.5cm / 44.5

    I think I really improved the second time. The measurements not that much, but no matter, i feel a lot better.

    Hey I find it amazing that the imbalances between your left and right thighs have apparently now been corrected. Isn't that awesome?
  • Just did my second Fit test. First numbers are from the first fit test:

    Height: 5"8 or 178cm
    Weight: 214lbs or 97.3kg / 212lbs or 96.3kg

    Switch kicks: 57 / 62
    Power jacks: 37 / 57
    Power knees: 87 / 103
    Power jumps: 33 / 38
    Globe jumps: 11 / 9 (I lost count the first ime)
    Suicide jumps: 10 / 12
    Push-up jacks: 6 / 18 (the first ime i didn't do the jacks. Strength is improving fast :smile:
    Low plank obliques: 11 / 50 (I have lower back issues and really wasn't able to do this properly the first time, and now I can!! only after 2 weeks. Didn't expect my back would improve.


    Chest: 111cm / 111
    L Bicep: 37cm / 36
    R Bicep: 37cm / 35,5
    Waist: 114.5cm / 112
    Hips: 100cm / 100
    L thigh: 64.5cm / 64
    R thigh: 62cm / 64
    L calf: 45.5cm / 45.5
    R calf: 44.5cm / 44.5

    I think I really improved the second time. The measurements not that much, but no matter, i feel a lot better.

    Hey I find it amazing that the imbalances between your left and right thighs have apparently now been corrected. Isn't that awesome?

    Yes, I found that kinda strange. Maybe something went wrong with the first measure up. Well it's in balance now as you said. Let's see how it will progress with the next fit test :smile:
    I'm never been so motivated to get some results, and people are already noticing some changes, also in the face. I'm already planning my second round of Insanity :wink:
  • iamapplevinegar
    iamapplevinegar Posts: 2 Member
    I just found the group but I started Insanity last Monday.
    My beginning stats:
    Age 28
    Height 5'3
    Weight 195

    Fit test:
    Switch kicks: 84
    Power jacks: 30
    Power knees: 59
    Power jumps: 28
    Globe jumps: 10
    Suicide jumps: 9
    Push up jacks: 10
    Low plank obliques: 28
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Angelina and this was the first day for me.

    Age 31
    Height 5"8
    Weight 216.8

    Fit test
    Switch kicks: 92
    Power jacks: 46
    Power knees:71
    Power jumps: 33
    Globe jumps: 8
    Suicide jumps:9
    Push up jacks:16
    Low plank oblique:35

    Ive been losing weight recently but this simple fit test let me know just how out of shape I still am.
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    Havent posted much in here but i'm still going. Did my second fit test today
    I saw some great improvement on my fit test! Do want to mention that on day 1 of the fit test i had to take longer breaks and had to keep pausing it taking 34 minutes to complete. Today no extra breaks were needed and I finished the workout in normal time (about 26 minutes)! My recovery time has improved greatly! Anyways, here are my results

    Fit Test Day 1/Day 15
    Switch Kicks: 40/53
    Power Jacks: 21/30
    Power Knees: 60/85
    Power Jumps: 17/22
    Globe Jumps: 5/7
    Suicide Jumps: 10/12
    Push-Up Jacks: 15/20 (these are from my knees, no jacks just push ups)
    Low Plank Oblique: 10/26

    I'm very pleased with my results. My goal for next fit test is to be able to do at least 2 real push up jacks and even more from my knees.
    I did lose some inches. 1/4" off my bust, 1/2" off my waist, 1/2" off my left thigh and 3/4" off my right thigh.
  • rmaglathlin
    rmaglathlin Posts: 20 Member
    Fit test Day 1/Day 15

    Switch kicks: 59/54 (note that the first time i did this fit test, i did not get my feet more than 6 inches off the floor for these, the second time i did them right, kicks at about waist height which is why the number is lower i think)
    power jacks: 50/58
    power knees: 109/120
    power jumps: 30/45 (!!)
    globe jumps: 11/13
    suicide jumps: 23/25
    pushup jacks: 22/27
    low plank oblique 69/75

    i'm pretty impressed! i did the whole fit test without looking at the numbers from my first one and just compared them at the end so i wouldn't get discouraged if i didn't beat my scores, but i guess i didn't need to do that! i definitely feel like i can jump better. this is pretty cool! how is everyone else doing?