Day 3



  • smexime
    smexime Posts: 90 Member
    Completed the workout today, day 3...ummmm... sooo not feeling up to it. Especially those side lunges!! But got another day under my belt (soon to be tighter belt :smile: ) was feeling much better once the warm-up was done. I just don't know if I am sore from 30ds or from the hike I went on, on Sunday.:bigsmile: My legs are killing me:) in a good way.
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm also quite sore before starting Day 3. More sore than i was yesterday. I'm also struggling with jumpin jacks, jump rope & those nasty side lunges/strength training...
    i've stopped a couple times to catch my breath or to drink some water. I hope that i will be able to complete Level 1 without stopping by the end of Day10.
    Really need to push thru this!!
    I will be doing day 3 in just a few minutes so I don't have anything to report on that yet but I do have a question.... Am I the only one here that has not yet been able to totally complete the daily workout? I guess I'm probably doing about 75% or so. Who would have thought that it would be stupid jumping jacks and jump rope that would knock me out? Other than trying to walk a couple miles a day I have not exercised at all in years! At this point I don't think I will move to level 2 until I can completely finish level 1. Maybe it's just me though.... I guess the most important thing to do is to just keep at it. Whatever I do is 100% more than I had been doing before this new journey started.

    You're not the only one. I have a hard time keeping up too. This is extreme exercise for me so I'm surprised I'm doing as well as I am cause I thought I would pass out after 5 min. Sometimes I have to take a pause and have some water, Jillian would not be pleased with me. LOL!!! I TRY to do everything as best as I can but crunches have never been my forte, what can I say? I TRY to keep up with the simpler stuff but yeah, I'm huffing and puffing my way through the whole thing pretty much. I just tell myself it's way more than I was doing about a month ago so I don't stress it. Much. :tongue:
  • farren_talon
    farren_talon Posts: 65 Member
    My day 3 went pretty well. About the same as before, little easier, and tried pushing myself more then usual. Still stopped for water a couple times,, tho. I do, however, feel less sore. :) I can actually squat down without being extremely sore. I'm just a little sore instead.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    Day 3 down! I don't get up from the floor as fast as they do! I also walked 4.26 miles in 66 minutes with my grandpuppy!
  • camilla48
    camilla48 Posts: 11 Member
    Day three done.
    Modified push-ups were a little easier. Still can't do them whole time, but could do more than when I started. Jumping Jacks and Jump rope were way harder today.. Side lunge exercise was brutal today, too. I still have to stop a few times through out to catch my breath.. Are we supposed to do this day after day with no skips??? It seems like a couple of rest days should be built in. I too am getting a little sick of hearing her already.. The pandora idea sounds like a good one.