Week of February 11th Challenge!

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to another weekly challenge!! We are continuing on a conservative pace to account for new members so everyone should be able to get on board.

We have a leader board!!!
Alana :flowerforyou:

Completed last week with flying colors! Good job! Alana also earned the flower for trying something new!

Don't forget to report your progress to be included in the leader board either on this board or private message me.

Let's get things moving!

This week's goal:

140 minutes of cardio
5 days in the green (staying under in calories)
8 cups of water 5 days
2 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days
For a bonus ** Try an exercise you've never done before or haven't done recently for one of your workouts. For example if you are a walker try a stationary bike or a Zumba class. If you love Zumba try a kickboxing or elliptical. Anything you'd like!

If you are new jump right in! We report our results on this strain every Sunday night to be included on the leader board for the following week.

Welcome to the newbies take a minute to introduce yourself to each other.

My name is Melissa and I look forward to meeting you all!


  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    I haven't given up! I had eye surgery and haven't been doing much but sleeping and recuperating. As soon as I am not so sensitive to light (including the computer glare) I am back at it! :)
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    oh, sorry about the eye surgery----the light can be SO painful!

    I did great last week, till the weekend
    saw a spike in my weight, and have been working extra hard to maintain my momentum!

    I am looking forward to weighing in next week!

    Hopefully we ALL will have a great week!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks Alana! I feel better I have a check up tomorrow and I will be ready to rock again!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    OK---week of 2/11! I really am stuck---I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds! OMG I am getting so frustrated! I just keep plugging away though. I did a cheat day yesterday, Sunday....no exercise and no counting.

    This week's goal:

    140 minutes of cardio DID IT!
    5 days in the green (staying under in calories) DID IT!
    8 cups of water 5 days DID IT!
    2 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days DID IT!
    For a bonus ** Try an exercise you've never done before or haven't done recently ....I TRIED SOME LOW IMPACT AEROBICS FROM YOUTUBE. NOTHING TOO THRILLING YET. I may look for some dance step aerobics, since I do love dancing.

    How did YOUR week go everyone?
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    hang in there ladies!!!! great work so far. sorry was late posting, but im still in on these. love the challenges!

    550 minutes of cardio
    7 days in the green (staying under in calories)
    8 cups of water 3 days
    2 servings of fruits and vegetables 0 days

    yep was a bad hectic week, gotta get my water back up there.... didnt try anything new either, just trying to get back in the groove. i adjusted my calories a few weeks ago because i was at a standstill, this is the second week at the increase, i lost one pound the first week, so thinking i had to switch it up. still going out dancing on weekends, motivation to keep up with walking/aerobics...helps so i can get through a few songs without hurting too much! not sure what i will try this week....kind of limited.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Deanna and Alana! Don't get discouraged ladies! I will tell you that is the very mistake I made and it all went down hill from there. I know it is kind of hard not to make it about the scale but because I wasn't paying attention to all the other awesome stuff that comes along with taking care of myself (ie. self pride, feeling healthy, more stamina for physical activities, clothes fitting better etc). I would step on that scale once a week and see +1 or -0 or -1 and that was it for weeks! People told me to change it up, step away from the scale etc. So I started cutting out carbs then I tried eating back my calories etc AND weighing in once a month instead. The carb thing helped short term but eventually I stalled there too. I didn't know what was happening and instead of sticking it out and staying encouraged and patient I slowly started making bad choices until I ended up right back where I started.

    Believe me I know you are both awesome and are not to the point of self destruction. I just wanted to offer a little encouragement because it is amazing how fast the downhill slide happens. Be on the look out for the internal excuses to let it all fall away. You are both inspiring everyone on this board and believe me there are people reading that aren't interacting. Some who aren't yet ready to jump in but watching our progress. Keep up your good work stay patient and the results will come.

    Alana -- I have a few of Bob Harper's DVD's because he had a big sale back in the summer. They are all really intense so if you are looking for a challenge check out his website. I also have Jillian Michael's too. Not sure why but I like Bob's workout style a little better even though I tend to be fascinated with Jillian on the show. Also I have a step workout called Buns of steel which is really old school VHS tape. It is exactly like taking a step class but in the privacy of my own home! I am pretty sure they offer that online by now and also Abs of steel -- still my fave all time ab workout.
  • 140 minutes of cardio Did it!
    5 days in the green (staying under in calories) 4 days only :(
    8 cups of water 5 days- 3 days
    2 servings of fruits and vegetables- 2 days/ Most days I had 3 servings. (wait- 2 total or 2 fruit AND 2 veggies for a total of 4?)
    For a bonus ** Try an exercise you've never done before or haven't done recently for one of your workouts. For example if you are a walker try a stationary bike or a Zumba class. If you love Zumba try a kickboxing or elliptical. Anything you'd like!

    This I did- I went for a zumba class with a friend. I loved it but I was horribly UN-coordinated. LOL
    I also took 3 days off this weekend. I really needed a few days to stop obsessing. I'm back on track as of yesterday.