Approaching the end of cycle one - lifting heavy

jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
So, I am entering week five of my cycle. Tonight was brutal for some exercises and a cake walk for others. I take this to be that I had accurately accessed what I should be doing for some of the lifts and didn't get a good gauge for others.

I am doing the 8-12 rep (progressive) work sets on a five week cycle; adding one rep per set each week.

I keep a log of what weight and how many reps for each set of each lift. What is interesting is that my notes say that my "X" exercise in week 2 was just rough. But, now looking at this week and the week before, I am still hitting my numbers. For example, my curls, they were crazy tough to hit in the second week. However, I managed to push through them in week 3 and now, today, in week five and 12 reps. It was no easy task but I just pushed through the pain.

At the end of this week, I will begin the next cycle. If I can make it through each set, for the respective weights for 12 reps, I should up the weight by 10% for the next cycle.

This is more for me than anything else. An accomplishment. I was diligent. I hit the weights, on schedule and didn't give myself an excuse to not lift. Three times a week for the last five weeks, I put the iPod on, did the warmup sets and then did the full weight sets.

It was not easy. I got metal splinters from the weights (metal flakes from the old plates I'm using). When I got them, I grabbed the tweezers, pulled out the metal and went back to lifting. I kept the tunes rolling and just went through the pain. Then, the math set in (I'm a numbers guy ... sue me)

I went from doing 8 reps on 7 moves by 4 sets on week 1. That's 224 total reps. Today, I did 12 reps on 7 moves by 4 sets. That is 336 total lifts/moves. That is a 50% increase over five weeks.

At the end of this week is the weight bump. 10% up for the next cycle. I can't see a difference in the mirror. But, I can see a difference in my lifts. Pushing more, lifting smart and reaching after that next goal - the end of the next cycle.

Thanks to you all for the guideline on how to progress. Its only five weeks, but its five weeks that I have never done before. I'm excited beyond description to up the weights and start again. I can't believe I have moved the bar this far for myself and am excited to see just how far I can push myself this next cycle. Thank you. You all are an inspiration for me.
