


  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats on the lamb, Jocymc. Another protein to add to your meals makes for more variety and helps us stay with it. Even bigger congrats at getting under 175--what a great feeling!

    I have been gaining and losing the same 5-10 lbs repeatedly. Having lost pretty steadily with The Plan, I'm now within 2 lbs of what I was the last time that I was really working out and focusing on my calories--about a year ago. But this way of eating seems much more sustainable so I hope that I continue to lose and that the pounds don't creep back on again.

    Wow, what a strong reaction to the bread!
  • GmaQueenBee
    GmaQueenBee Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks Kayceeme. It looks like you're doing great on The Plan. Those last 2 pounds should be gone by the time you finish your 20.

    I don't know what to think about the bread reaction. It was so immediate. Bread is definitely off my menu for a long time. This morning I woke up feeling great but the scale showed a .5 pound gain, which I expected. When I was finished in the bathroom I decided to reweigh. I was DOWN by 1.3 pounds!! I couldn't believe it so I reset the scale & tried again. Same weight. Can't wait to see what I weigh tomorrow.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    I just read something in the book today to the effect that reactions are caused by inflammation, and inflammation happens instantaneously--like when you cut your finger and it turns red. Food for thought! (pun intended) :)
  • GmaQueenBee
    GmaQueenBee Posts: 152 Member
    It's good that our bodies tell us immediately that a food is bad for us, but that was going a little overboard. Anyway, I took a break from The Plan on Saturday and took a rest day on Sunday. The rest day included salt free potato chips which I was reluctant to try since I had tested reactive to potatoes. Talking to people on Lyn's FB page and here I was told that the cooking process would deactivate whatever it is in the potato that I was reactive to. It didn't! I had a .8 pound gain after that rest day, so Monday was another rest day. I woke up with a 1.2 pound loss! Today I get to test a new protein. There are so many I want to try that it's hard to decide. It was going to be pinto beans, and I have them soaking, but I've decided on cow's milk cheese. I would love to have a little cheddar sprinkled on my chicken or salad.