

  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    I was a Diet Pepsi guy.... I even bought a soda stream machine. Now I just drink soda water.....
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    My nutritionist told me to avoid it - - it's apparently bad stuff. But late last night I needed some energy, there was no coffee, so I headed to the vending machine. I drank only about 1/4 of the 20 ounce bottle and threw out the rest.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I was a Diet Pepsi guy.... I even bought a soda stream machine. Now I just drink soda water.....

    I know someone with one of those machines. They seem quite satisfied. I'm lucky in that I'm not crazy about fizzy drinks, even sparkling water.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    My vice is Diet Mountain Dew. Not necessarily the coke itself, but the high, glorious caffeine content. I do not like coffee at all unless I prepare it the way I like (read: extremely sissified), and tea is too weak. How to get my caffeine, then? Lol
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Here's probably everything you'd want to know about diet soda: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/diet-soda-healthy/

    My personal opinion is that you should wean yourself from it as soon as you are able to. One of the primary reasons we eat a hunter/gatherer dietary path (like Paleo or Primal) is to minimize the insulin response that a carb-heavy diet (grains and sugars) provokes. While artificial sweeteners do not have any calories, the body still responds as though it was sugar - provoking an insulin response and stimulating a desire for more sweetness.

    Artificial sugars should be avoided entirely.

    Natural sugars should be avoided unless they have a fruit wrapped around them.

    This exactly!! Wean!!!
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    I was a total Diet Coke addict until adopting the primal lifestyle. After giving it up for Whole 30 and having to endure 3 long weeks of headaches, I decided that I no longer wanted to drink something that is so addicting that it would cause things kinds of side effects (it wasn't the caffeine, as I drank coffee the whole 30 days). That said, will I never have another Diet Coke again? Definitely not - I have had a couple of Diet Cokes during dinners out or while splurging over the past 6 months, but I hope to never drink it frequently enough to have to got through those awful detox headaches again.

    You're making lots of good choices eating primal/paleo, so if you aren't ready to give it up, so be it. There are certainly worse things you could ingest. However, it may be something you want to wean yourself off of when you are ready - save it for special occasions. I drink Kombucha and Water Kefir as a replacement - much better for you, but you still get that fizz and a little bit of flavor to make you feel like you are having a treat.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Pop has been the hardest thing for me to give up, I'm still working on it, eventually I"ll get there.
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Here's probably everything you'd want to know about diet soda: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/diet-soda-healthy/

    My personal opinion is that you should wean yourself from it as soon as you are able to. One of the primary reasons we eat a hunter/gatherer dietary path (like Paleo or Primal) is to minimize the insulin response that a carb-heavy diet (grains and sugars) provokes. While artificial sweeteners do not have any calories, the body still responds as though it was sugar - provoking an insulin response and stimulating a desire for more sweetness.

    Artificial sugars should be avoided entirely.

    Natural sugars should be avoided unless they have a fruit wrapped around them.

    I agree with monkeydharma on this one. I used to be addicted to diet coke when I was in university, couldn't go a day without it. I had to cut it out cold turkey, even having one can would make me cave and have another. Now I understand why and it's just like monkeydharma says. Even though it's an artificial sugar with no calories, your body does respond the same way. Once you ween yourself off of it (if you choose to :) ) and haven't had any in awhile, you will likely find that it's not quite as good as you remember it being when you do have it. Our taste buds definitely change as sugar is removed from the diet.

    This is very true! 4-5 years ago I used to be a hige diet coke addict! I drank it in place of coffe int eh morning to get my caffeene kick. I kept hearin how bad it was for me, but couldn't go with out it ... until I decided it was poison and hurting my body. It took probably 2 years of not having it until when I tasted it - it literily tastes like POISON!! it is amazing how your taste buds adjust so that it tastes good.. and then not good...

    I have to give it up cold turkey and just by shear will power stay away form it and keep reminding myself "if you know better you do better" - knoing all the bad stuff it does to your body, may help you stay away.

    ...although it is a STRONG addiction - to this day (even though I can't stant the taste anymore ) - when I hear a fresh can of sode crack open - its gets my attention and makes me salivate.
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    I gave up pop when I went Primal Jan 1 and haven't missed it yet. I don't drink coffee or tea either so I've only been drinking water since then.

    I did try a caffeine free Diet Pepsi a couple weeks ago and it almost burned down my throat. It probably has to do with the acidity of it but it certainly made me not want to try pop anymore.

    It can be strange to see what our bodies can tolerate if we drown it in something enough.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    For the record the offical name is "POP"
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    It's a regional thing.

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Thanks all. I am definitely more primal than paleo but am getting better each day. And if offended anyone with my diet coke confession, those people should definitely avoid my food diary today, which reveals I ate a valentine's themed snack M&M . . . :happy:

    LOL I have no sense of humour when it comes to artificial sweeteners. I'm not offended at you (I come off strong, sorry!), I'm offended by a system that promotes non-foods as something safe to put in our bodies. It saddens and enrages me that I can't even keep this stuff away from my child (ie gum given to her by other people). (The daycare and school in my community have a "no sugar" policy but they feed the kids stuff with artificial sweeteners. This is promoted by our local health centre nurses and the nutritionist. I just don't get it.)

    Anyway, I'm GLAD that you are doing your best. I really hope that you find the will to reject artificial sweeteners. I think the fact that they are so addictive speaks volumes to their unsuitability as "food".
  • ronja2
    ronja2 Posts: 36
    For anyone who would like some scientific (NERD ALARM) background on what sugar and especially high fructose corn syrup will do to you, I highly recommend this video :


    It is rather long but well worth it, I promise. If it's too long for you, there are a couple of summarized versions. Just search for "Sugar: The Bitter Truth Short Version".
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I drink a couple cups of black coffee in the morning. The only other beverage I drink is water. I gave up pop over 7 years ago after listening to constant lectures from my instructors (at my massage school) about how bad it was. This was long before thinking of going primal. A couple months back I thought what the heck and had one. I had a horrible gut ache the rest of the day. Couldn't understand why I ever drank it,haha! Do what works for YOU, my guess is after awhile you will take yourself off it completely.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    For the record the offical name is "POP"

    Forgot how some people laugh at me for referring to it as 'pop' and not soda. I was years ago and asked what kind of pop they had. They laughed and asked me to repeat it .
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    For the record the offical name is "POP"

    Forgot how some people laugh at me for referring to it as 'pop' and not soda. I was years ago and asked what kind of pop they had. They laughed and asked me to repeat it .

    Pop is totally the right name. "Soda" just sounds weird....
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    For the record the offical name is "POP"

    Forgot how some people laugh at me for referring to it as 'pop' and not soda. I was years ago and asked what kind of pop they had. They laughed and asked me to repeat it .

    Pop is totally the right name. "Soda" just sounds weird....

    Like others have said, it's a regional thang. When I was a kid in Michigan, we all called it 'soda pop'. Now I just call it soda. Things like that also change over the years to where it is somewhat generational. When I was young, oleomargarine was generally referred to as 'oleo' - now it's just 'margarine'.