Weight loss succee story with hypothyroidism



  • Flagirlof3
    I have only taken synthroid and I do get the flutters every now and again.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    Just a quick question to ask all of you...When first Dx, I was put on Levothyoxine. When I called for a refill (didn't have enough to last till my appointment) it was filled as Synthroid. Now, I know these are basically supposed to be the same meds but I seem to be having a mild reaction to this new script (occassional heart flutters, not really palpitations.) It doesn't happen much, maybe a few seconds once or twice a day. Did not have this till I started the new script so I guess it has to be it. Anyone else go from one script to another & have a reaction? This doesn't concern me since I will be seeing dr. next week & will run it by her.

    I am on synthroid and have not had this reaction with it-- but I've experienced it before. Ironically enough, I felt these heart flutters constantly (very scary, because it's not normal!) before I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue. It turns out that I was cycling between hyper and hypothyroid before my thyroid finally sputtered out and I settled in as a hypothyroid patient.

    With all that said, maybe it's not the medication's fault, so much as it is that you're being over-medicated into hyper range? Sometimes if you switch brands, dosages may not match up (which is why it's suggested not to switch brands) so you may have gotten too much, too soon. Go have your blood drawn again and see what's going on.
  • AmyMcCranie
    AmyMcCranie Posts: 3 Member
    Just a quick question to ask all of you...When first Dx, I was put on Levothyoxine. When I called for a refill (didn't have enough to last till my appointment) it was filled as Synthroid. Now, I know these are basically supposed to be the same meds but I seem to be having a mild reaction to this new script (occassional heart flutters, not really palpitations.) It doesn't happen much, maybe a few seconds once or twice a day. Did not have this till I started the new script so I guess it has to be it. Anyone else go from one script to another & have a reaction? This doesn't concern me since I will be seeing dr. next week & will run it by her.

    I am on Synthroid and occasionally feel heart flutters. I just assumed that they were heart palpitations. After having a slow metabolism for so long, i just thought it was my heart getting used to it again! I have been on Synthroid for about a year and just started feeling the flutters a couple of months ago. I've heard not to switch from Synthroid to Levothyroxine b/c it's not as strong but can't say if it's true or not b/c I've never tried. It could explain the flutters though.
  • AmyMcCranie
    AmyMcCranie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi anyone here experience success on weight loss? i was diagnosed last year may 2012 felt really depressed iam on meds june to august 2012 stopped my meds and just rely on multivitamins i felt great but january 2013 when i decided to go back to the doctor my goiter still visible huhuhu i used to weigh 120 and it went to 140 i exercise everyday but the weight is not coming down,,iam currently on 150 mcg levethyroxine my tsh is 6,,any encouraging words or success story will help i also read that estrogen dominance might be a factor thats why we have thyroid problems?what diet are you on high fiber..high protein? pls help! my fellow hypo friends!!! i will really appreciate your support i want my joy back i feel depressed when people like friends or family emmber who see me is always surprised that i gained i feel like they dnt even understand its this goiterrrr not my poor eating habits!!! i feel like they look at me from head to toe i feel so sensitive about it:(:cry: add me guys

    Have you tried Synthroid? When i was first diagnosed, a friend told me "make sure you get the name brand b/c the generic doesn't work for everyone". I researched it b/c I didn't want to pay the few extra dollars if it wasn't true. Sure enough, many women stated that they didn't feel any better while taking the generic. When they started taking Synthroid, they felt much better. There were a lot of women without issues but for some reason, it doesn't work for everyone.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I have been diagnosed as hypo for about 7 yrs now and steady at 132mcg Levo. for the past 6 yrs. In reading these forums, this group, as well as experimenting a little, I have found that a high protein diet works well for me (As well as doing a lot of cardio and some lifting.). I also am sure to heed the directions on the Levo (I take Levo as soon as I wake up, and multi-vitamin several hours later with lunch. If my breakfast is going to have a lot of strawberries (can have a negative impact), I usually wait a couple of hours to eat it.). I still eat a little more simple carbs than I should, but I try to get most of my carbs through fresh fruits, vegetables, brown or long grain rice, and other complex carbs. I know that my being a guy could make a difference as well, but this is what has been working very well for me.