CLX/P90x hybrid

Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
edited January 13 in Social Groups
Hey --

I found what looks to be a good CLX/P90x hybrid if anyone is interested. I think I'll do this when I finish CLX in 6 weeks. This link has a link to an XLS spreadsheet. It shows which muscle groups get worked and seems to space them out pretty well. Also cuts the P90x workouts down some by removing the repetition, so they stay in line time-wise with the length of CLX workouts, although I'm not sure his total time is including the Ab routines he has marked. I'm really excited to have found this.

The idea is that you do each Phase for 3 weeks and then do the Recovery Week phase. I think I could manage to do a P90X Yoga once a month. The mix cerrtainly keeps things interesting and incorporates all of my favorite P90x workouts.


  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    Good to know, thanks!
    I'm currently finishing week 5 of P90X and I completed CLX in December and would like to do it again.
    I'll probably give this a try but it will have to wait until after I've finished P90X, I want to get through it all and I love it!

    You don't like P90X yoga? I love it except for the time length but my husband isn't a fan at all. He'll do the first portion and then skip the balance moves which I still think is great for him. I either have to do the first portion in the morning and the balance moves after work or skip the balance moves altogether.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    I liked it the first two times because it was different from anything I'd done before and I understand the value of it, but I came to dislike it for a number of reasons. One, the length was killer. Two, the repetition was really boring. Three, some of the moves seemed dangerous to attempt to do without coaching by an expert. Four, some positions were just plain uncomfortable and not in a good way -- like my arm would get numb and tingly during some of them. For some reason, those positions where you hold your arm up in the air and turn your head to look at your hand bothers me every time. So, I just wasn't comfortable continuing with it.

    I've heard that the PX2 Yoga is better and more interesting. My husband got that set for Christmas, so maybe I'll give that a shot one day.

    After last night's 6th Burn it Off, though, I think I need to find a different cardio session to do in this hybrid schedule. I just really don't enjoy that very much at all. A 30 Day Shred circuit might be a good substitution.
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    Yep, love the Jillian DVD's for cardio as well. Just gotta do what works for you and keeps you motivated! :happy:
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