TDEE recalculation

berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
I need to recalculate my TDEE for this week because I am not exercising as much as the past few months and I am not sure if I was totally correct before. Average daily exercise is now 80 minutes daily (five days worth divided by seven, plus a little for races on weekends) including a mix of strenuous, moderate swimming, and strenuous, moderate dryland/lifting.
Using scoobyworkshop, What should I be listed at? 3-5 moderate is obviously not enough, but 5-6 strenuous isn't quite right, because it is not all strenuous and 7+ is corrected time-wise, but again, it is not all strenuous.
I have also been exercising this much for years, with probably 6-12 weeks a year a lot less, and 6-12 weeks a lot more (for the past 4 years), so how much does my body being used to this effect my TDEE?
Just want to get it right, all advice appreciated!
One more question, do you jump to 15% deficit all at once from TDEE, or down a 100 kcal at a time?
Thank you
