DAY 39: Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Have a heart-healthy Valentine's Day

Your heart may belong to a certain someone this Valentine’s Day, but it’s up to you to keep that loving heart in good shape all year long. February is American Heart Month so Valentine’s Day is a great time for a romantic, heart-healthy gift.

• What’s cooking – Many restaurants offer heart-healthy menus but you have more control over what goes into your meal by cooking it yourself. Give your loved one the gift of healthy cooking classes. Many restaurants, schools and organizations offer easy classes on how to cook healthy food. It’s a great way to taste new food, learn something that will last a lifetime and give you an excuse for a romantic candlelight dinner at home.

• A heart-healthy workout – Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and provides countless heart-health benefits, but it isn’t limited to a gym. Does your Valentine like to go dancing? How about golf? Get out, get active and get healthy with them.

:heart: :heart: :heart: Enjoy a love-filled day! :heart: :heart: :heart:


  • bturner28
    bturner28 Posts: 68 Member
    Good info! HaPpY VaLeNtInEs DaY fellow exercisers!

    P90x 1hr, ab ripper 15 min and cleaned my house like crazy today!

    I have 2 boys and they have valentines parties today,,,,they will bring home lots of candy! I pray for self control...I love sweets!
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Hello Lovelies !!

    First off Ritz .. you are an Awesome Leader . .I love this group !!

    Secondly - Bonnie !! you are soooo dedicated and you make me want to push myself .. So High Five to you !!!

    BAD MELLI ! - I have not done my Chair exercise for 2 days as my time has been limited..
    BUT I have been eating very well and have dropped another pound !! Sooo happy !! I am hoping to get in my Sweaty 30 tonight and will report back if it happens !!
    xo to all of you guys !!
  • MerRock
    MerRock Posts: 56 Member
    Happy Valentine's everyone! It will be over in 1 hour here on the east coast, so you west coasters keep living it up! :) Thanks for the tip on doing something for our heart!

    Today I pushed myself into doing something I was a little scared of, but it was great. Last summer I was taking Les Mills Body Pump at my local gym. I loved the class, and I was building a lot of muscle. In August I found out I would be having brain surgery in a few weeks. It was actually the last workout class before the surgery was scheduled. All of the extra blood rushing in my brain from working out, sent me into one of the worst, most painful episodes I had experienced (the pain was caused by an artery in my head compressing into the nerves controlling my face. I remember leaving the class, coming home and within 15 minutes it hit, and for the next 7 hours I felt like someone was stabbing my face.

    As I'd mentioned in here before, I ended up with some complications and was restricted from lifting much of anything for 4 months. 2 weeks ago my doctor lifted the ban. I kept telling myself I would get back to the class. But I was actually kind of scared to. I was afraid to find out how weak I'd become. Afraid that I would hurt my neck or my shoulders. Afraid that would if it sent me into another episode.

    Well tonight I decided, I had to just dive right in. I was careful not to lift too heavy and I watched my form. I modified some exercise since certain strain on my neck still hurts. But I made it through all 60 minutes, and have the very sore arms to show for it. :)
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Awesome Mere !!!
    Congrats on pushing yourself and jumping back in there !!

    Very proud of you !!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member

    Steps 4703 Distance 1.93 miles
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    That's great Mere, congrats getting up the nerve and courage to have a go even though you were not sure of it.
  • bturner28
    bturner28 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks Melanie! I'm glad I can help push you to keep goin! Congrats on the weight loss too!

    Merrock, I have taken that class and it is tough! You're brave to give it another try: )