
dtban Posts: 111 Member

My name is Tara, I turned 32 today, yesterday I found out I am pregnant with my third baby, due October 2013. My first son is Benjamin born Jan 13, 2005, my second son is Mitchell born Feb 6, 2010. I am choosing not to exercise while pregnant and take it as easy as possible to keep the baby safe as I have had 2 miscarriages in the past, however, i will be using this group to keep a healthy diet and lifestyle.


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hello! My name is Heather and I am due 10/6 with baby #2. My daughter was born 1/31/09 and we were told we could not conceive without IVF after failing several rounds of fertility treatment trying for baby #2 - 3 years later I tested after a dream I was pregnant and lo and behold, I was!

    I was running 20-25 miles a week before getting pregnant (and actually conceived this little one at my very first half marathon...haha!) so will be continuing to run as long as I am able :)
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    wow its funny you mention that, my story is very similar. I have only 1/2 of one ovary left the rest were removed as a teenager. I was told I would never be able to get pregnant, after we got married we got pregnant after 1 year of trying with our first son, he was a miracle....then after him we did 2 years of fertility treatments with no success and gave up and 2 more years later we got pregnant on our own again 3 times back to back, we lost the first 2 but the 3rd time was our second son he is also our little miracle. we have been trying for another 3 years and got pregnant with this one, I had a dream 4 nights in a row I was pregnant, so the last night i had 4 back to back dreams in one night that i was pregnant so when i woke up i took a test, and low and behold it was positive! funny how our subconsious knows we are pregnant before we do :-) congrats to you and good luck!
  • Mami21080
    Mami21080 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Shakira and I'm currently pregnant with my Rainbow baby :). I want to continue working out and continue with my healthy eating choices.
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome Shakira:

    Congratulations! When are you due?...and sorry if I sound dumb lol but what is a rainbow baby?
  • tholmquist23
    tholmquist23 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! My name is Tori and I am due on October 2013. I'm 28 and this is my first pregnancy. Look forward to talking with other ladies going through the same things as me right now!
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome have you ladies done the needle and string test to see what gender your baby is?

    you thread a needle and knot it at the end, make the thread about 8 inches long, then lay the needle and thread on your belly for about 15 seconds, then hold the thread by the knot and very very slowly lift it up until the needle dangles about an inch above your belly.

    it will begin to move all by itself (something to do with the magnetic field or something) it will swing in a straight line for a boy or a circle for a girl, when it is done making the prediction it will stop moving. if it make a prediction and slows and makes another before stopping it is twins, or triplets etc.

    4 people have done this on me about 40 total time and it is always the same, line, slow, circle, stop. So hopefully if it is right i will be having boy and girl twins!!!

    It was right for my first 2 children, it said they would be boys and they are!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm 28 years old and pregnant with my second baby. My daughter is 10 so it's all new to me again! This will be my husband's 4th child including my daughter who he adopted so we are probably done after this one. :) It was so much fun to actually get pregnant on purpose this time. I'm just praying for a healthy baby. Everything is going great so far. I haven't been sick or anything so hope it stays easy. I do ultrasounds at an imaging center so I enjoy taking advantage of that and doing my own ultrasounds! :) Right now, I'm trying to figure out the sex. I'm really thinking it's a girl now that I'm 15 weeks. I hope next week I'll be able to say it with confidence. I'm due October 2nd but my baby is measuring about a week ahead. I hope to gain about 25 pounds with this pregnancy. So far I've gained 3. I look forward to chatting with you ladies.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Glad to have found the group!! I am 30 and 13 weeks pregnant with #2.

    I had an unhealthy pregnancy with my daughter. I ate too much, didnt workout enough and gained a TON of weight. So far I have not missed one day at the gym, despite the nagging first trimester symptoms. If anything I think keeping up with running, lifting and yoga has helped me to feel so much better this pregnancy.

    Eating well has also been benficial, so I am glad to have a group like this for support. I was already at maintenence when I got pregnant, so I continues to eat 2100 calories for the first trimester and have just increased up to 2200 for the second. I may go higher if need be.

    So far, this pregnancy is night and day from my last and I am already gaining at a much slower pace. I am officially up three pounds and at this point with my daughter I had gained 12!!

    I am going for an unmedicated VBAC at a hospital, but may switch to a birthing center. I havent decided yet.

    Glad to meet all of you and congrats!!!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I'm Julia, 29 and expecting my #3 on 10/1.
    I am 15 weeks and had a pretty rough first trimester with bad morning sickness but thankfully doing a lot better now.
    I am eating whatever doesn't make me gag and trying my best for healthy choices- lost 8 lbs in my first tri and I'm just starting to gain a little and get a little belly :)

    I've been doing the Tracey Anderson Pregnancy Project DVDs a few times a week- really liking them! And hoping to get in some nice brisk walks if the sun ever decides to come out in my part of the world! I'm usually a runner and had been training for my first half when I found out the good news (at first I thought the running was messing with my period!) but I'm taking a hiatus and hoping to train with a jogging stroller and run my first half in the spring!

    Hope you all are feeling great!
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My names Miann
    hubby and I are expecting our second little bundle of joy 10/22/13
    Our son Emery just turned 2 the end of Jan.
    I'm currently 12wks +2d and we couldn't be happier!
    Hoping for a girl, but praying for a healthy baby :)
    we find out what we are having May 7th!!!! CANNOT WAIT!

    edited to add:
    Doctor said to gain around 20 lbs max (I'm 5'4'' 209 lbs) I'm shooting for as low as I can go and still have a healthy baby
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hi Girls, I'm Karen and expecting at the end of October. I'm 35 and already have four beautiful boys ages 10, 7, 5 and 2. I gave up smoking last year and went up two dress sizes in six months. This year I was meant to be losing the weight I gained and I was 4/5 weeks in and 8lbs lighter when I discovered I was expecting #5. So this pregnancy I need minimal weight gain and to stay fit throughout.

    This first few weeks I've been eating maintenance calories. I've been insanely tired, napping whenever possible! But I think this is starting to ease off. I've had occasional bouts of nausea, but mostly just horrible, uncomfortable indigestion. I gained a pound, then lost two, so 11ish weeks in and no significant weight gain as yet.

    I can't wait to find out what we're having. We didn't find out with the first four and this is probably our last shot at a daughter, though I wouldn't mind another boy either. My previous four births were all natural, at a hospital, with nothing but a TENS machine and entonox and I'm hoping to take this path again.
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    Hey ladies!
    I'm Kate and I'm 13 weeks pregnant with #3 (hubby's 2nd and our first together - so will be child #4 and final!)
    All going really well so far, just starting to feel movement and LOVING the reassurance that that brings! I know I'm lucky to be feeling it this early - with a anteverted uterus and posterior placenta - plus being #3 and at the low end of my BMI, it's all meant it's happening a few weeks earlier than with my last two!! Yay!!

    I have dropped back on exercise and now trying to get my eating back on track!!
    Have gained slightly less than 2lbs - but certainly not eating anywhere close to as cleanly as I'd like to be! Back to it now in the second trimester!!!!
  • Brila09
    Brila09 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My name is Sheila. I am 30 years old and have a son named Braydon who is 2.5. I'm currently 15 weeks along with my 2nd. I gained 50lbs with my son and didnt exercise or eat healthy at all. This time around so far I've maintained my gym routine and have been trying to eat semi-healthy. I give in to my cravings but try to drink a lot of water and eat well the majority of the time. So far I'm up 7lbs and feeling great.
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome and Congratulations to all our new MAMA's, it is great to see our numbers growing!
  • jenniferlewis426
    jenniferlewis426 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Jenn, 32, due with #3 October 6th!

    Trying not to gain a lot this pregnancy (gained about 50 with each of my other kids). I had been running for 3 years but havent been able to in the last couple of weeks due to fatigue and just feeling terrible. Now, that I'm in the second trimester I'm feeling better but not quite up to running.

    Looking for good DVDs to do in the early morning before the kiddos wake up. Any suggestions?
  • Hello!

    My name is Lorena and I am 27 and currently approaching 13 wks. This will be baby #3 for hubby and I, our other children are 9&8 so this is like starting all over again, we are very excited and nervous. We are just praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby! Good luck to all you ladies!

  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Welcome Lorena! Baby #3 for us too, and also the first in a while. I feel like my body doesn't remember what to do and I'm feeling stretches and twinges like crazy :)

    BTW I just found out what Rainbow Baby means- a baby born after a loss. I kinda love that.
    I guess this will be a rainbow baby for us too, then!
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello all! Congratulations on your pregnancies! I am 32 and currently 16 weeks pregnant with our first baby. My due date is October 7th. I am scheduled for an ultrasound the end of May and can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. Hopefully that will make picking a name a little easier!
  • lmp379
    lmp379 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I'm Lisa 34 year old, due with my first October 8th. Very excited and nervous all at the same time. I've been using MFP for a while and had been in a plateau. Now I am happily tracking my process as the baby grows. Trying to stay active and healthy.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I am looking for other mommies due in October to chat with and get ideas, etc...

  • lmp379
    lmp379 Posts: 17 Member
    I've found a prenatal pilates workout on YouTube that I like. it's 5-10 minute session in total.

    There are a bunch of different videos that I have been trying to check out, but I keep going back to this one.

    Hope you find something you like.
    All the best,