


  • TeacherMelissa
    Hi everyone! My name is Melissa and I am 30 years old, due October 17 with our first baby. It took us a while to conceive and I had finally lost about 7 pounds with MFP when we found out we were expecting. Although I haven't been doing the workouts I had been doing before, I am going for long walks with DH and have a very active job.

    I look forward to meeting ladies on here and hearing everyone's stories.
  • cbarnett30
    cbarnett30 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm due oct. 22 with baby # 3. Already have 2 boys 6 &2. And I just got myself in shape. Dr. Doesn't seem to want me to exercise except for walking. Anybody else able to exercise and run?
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    For exercise I walk at least 3 miles five days a week, swim for 45 mins a week when possible and do Zumba for 20 to 60 mins a week when I can't get out or don't have time to swim. I'm also still digging the garden and preparing beds for planting and I'm now 14+ weeks. I think the key to exercise is to be sensible and know your limits, this is not a time to push yourself. I think if you have a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy there's no reason not to exercise.
  • cbarnett30
    cbarnett30 Posts: 3 Member
    She seems to be old school. I don't run but I do jog 2x a week. She said my heart rate should never go above 140 which i am usually around 160's but that is a norm for me. I am glad to actually talk with other expecting moms who are exercising! Do you have any limits at what you are still able to do?
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
    My doctor didn't put any limits on me but in the past I've been told just not to overdo it or start anything new.

    I have been jogging here and there but slower and shorter than usual and occasionally take walk breaks if I feel too winded or crampy.

    Hoping to get back into swimming too- I think that's one exercise any doctor would approve during a low risk pregnancy so it's worth asking.

    I also really recommend the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project- it is geared toward pregnant women (1 dvd per month of pregnancy and she filmed them while pregnant) and it actually really does give you a good workout focused on strength training.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    My doctor just said don't exceed on speed or mileage, and otherwise continue on as you're doing, so I've kept to roughly the mileage range I had before being pregnant...although found I am a little more self-limited than before. I did run a half 4 weeks ago though.

    Pretty much it's common sense in my opinion - don't push for a record, just be happy to be able to do it while pregnant.
  • Zanedia
    Zanedia Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Susan and I am due with baby #3 on 10/19/13. I am almost 30 and have definitely seen a change with this pregnancy. I joined MFP last week because I need to keep this weight gain under control! I am currently on exercise restrictions, but will hopefully have them removed at my appt this week. So glad to find a group especially for October babies!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Susan and I am due with baby #3 on 10/19/13. I am almost 30 and have definitely seen a change with this pregnancy. I joined MFP last week because I need to keep this weight gain under control! I am currently on exercise restrictions, but will hopefully have them removed at my appt this week. So glad to find a group especially for October babies!

    Congrats and welcome to the group!!!
  • MsPetuniaPig
    MsPetuniaPig Posts: 74 Member
    Hello. I'm Sandra. I am 37 and on baby #2. My first was born in 1996.... She'll be a senior in high school when this one comes. I'm due 10/8/2013 which makes me 19w3d. This will be my SO's #4. His youngest is 21. Needless to say this one is quite a surprise. A very similar situation to something I read in the thread, I had most of my right ovary removed in 1994 and visited the GYN in November 2012 because my hormones were changing.. He actually suggested premenopausal otc remedies.. He told me to come back in 3 months and when I did... well... It's a boy! We found out last Friday. I had had so many complications I was keeping myself detached. (Nothing like your Dr telling you not to buy anything yet.) Last week we finally got the all clear. He is beautiful and healthy. I am still restricted to light activity, so I walk as much as I can. I am finally getting excited.

    As for eating, I am still sick more than I'm not. I found this article about eating through it to try to keep things going. So far I am -1.2 since the beginning, with a 2.2 gain this month. This baby seems very picky already but it will learn to love veggies! (eventually. :smile: )
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    She seems to be old school. I don't run but I do jog 2x a week. She said my heart rate should never go above 140 which i am usually around 160's but that is a norm for me. I am glad to actually talk with other expecting moms who are exercising! Do you have any limits at what you are still able to do?

    I ran and lifted weights before I got pregnant. I am having a normal low risk pregnancy with no complications. My doctor also told me not to get my heart rate above 140 and to not lift dumbbells above 8lbs. I was and am frustrated as hell, but this is my first and I don't want to hurt the pregnancy. I stopped running in February and really miss it! I also miss lifting! But I will just keep up with the light weights and walking until the baby is born. I might/probably will find another doctor for our next child, after seeing how many women get the ok from their doctors to continue to run. I too think it's just an older way of thinking in the medical field, and some doctors prefer to stay on the cautious side. My doctor sent my several copies of studies that were done 10 years ago on pregnant women exercising. The studies (of course) all recommended that women not raise their heart rates above 140, but the studies (all of them) also stated that there was no proof that more active exercising hurt the fetus. The studies were all inconclusive, which is why they recommended sticking with the 140 heart rate. I like my doctor, but I am so unbelievably frustrated by the lack of running! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one on here that was told this piece of advice.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Btw on the description page of the original Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant group it states that there is no reason to limit heart rate to 140, among other things.
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    Btw on the description page of the original Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant group it states that there is no reason to limit heart rate to 140, among other things.

    I saw that, and I have seen on MFP and other sites that doctors all over are ok with women going above the 140 heart rate. That is why I'm so frustrated, and considering another doctor for my next child. Unfortunately I did not know any of this before I started seeing this doctor. :( This is my first child, and I did not know a lot before this pregnancy. I'm learning quickly though.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Kell, an almost-37-y-o Mum of one (almost 5-y-o son) and expecting baby #2 due 19th October (although I have the feeling this one is impatient and will arrive earlier than that).

    I've spent most of my adult life being overweight (at best) and obese (at worst) and am determined that after Button is born, I am going to kick the crappy habits and get fit and healthy so I can set a great example for my kids and have a better chance of sticking around long enough to become a grandma!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hi Kell!

    Also look for our Fit, Fab and due in October 2013 thread on the Fit, Fab and Pregnant board.

    Congrats on #2! Do you know what you're having? Is all prepared for his/her arrival? Short-listed any names yet? Coping with the illogical weight gain?!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I was right - Button arrived early on 10th October - our 2nd little boy who we have named Josh. :)
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Congratulations Kell! Hope it all went smoothly. Lovely photo.

    My daughter, Rosanna, arrived 6 days over on Nov. 3rd at 1758hrs and weighed in at 8lb 4oz. :happy:
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    Congrats kcasey. What a cutie pie!

    Well I assume everyones babies have arrived. I hope everyone is doing great. Is everyone back into the swing of things again? Counting calories, working out? Or, just going to enjoy new baby and the holidays? I am having a hard time getting back into it. Holiday are here. We baptize the babies on Sunday so 25 people over for a fattening meal, then thanksgiving, then my b-day, then christmas, then new years, then not long after that valentines day and a wedding we are going to that is out of state so long weekend away without children!!! You better believe I am going to live it up. But, I am back to working out but lightly. with a 4 year old, 2 year old, and newborn twins it is hard to get those workouts in. I walked 2.5 miles today. Running has been rough. Either my boobs hurt from breast feeding or my stomach hurts from the c-section. I ran 2 miles a few days back and started bleeding again. I see my doc on tuesday as I bled for 2 days afterwards. I am tryiing to count calories. I put my calories at losing a half a pound a week. I am having trouble staying under. What we eat tends to be fattening. I don't find I eat much food but my choices are bad. So, my 5 lbs away from pre pregnancy weight is taking its dear old time to go away.

    Feel free to friend me everyone. I need as much motivation as I can get.

    I hope everything is going great with you all and you are getting some sleep. I got my first 5 hours straight last night! The night before we got maybe 1.5 straight. They give us good nights about 1 night a week. A good night is 3 hours straight, up for a hour, 3 again, and then up for the day.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Thanks JC!

    Sounds like you're trying to do too much too soon. I would give your body more time to heal before doing any high impact exercise. A c-section is a major operation however common a procedure it is and it will take a while to adjust to your new body. That you are managing any exercise at all is a great achievement, just don't overdo it :0)

    I'm walking lots and still logging food, but not calorie counting as such yet and I don't yet feel up to any more exercise just yet. I'm now 17 days post-partum and physically fine. Just have really loose joints still and am still getting my strength back. My healthy diet has also gone by the wayside at times, especially when I'm short of time and over-tired. I know I'm eating far more bread and biscuits than I ought to, but they're easy to grab in a hurry. I don't think there's much point trying to go back to calorie counting and healthy eating until 6-8 weeks post partum as I'm too ravenous right now and am still establishing a feeding routine, plus there's Christmas! So I'm just trying not to be too greedy, I don't want to gain loads, but will start afresh in the New Year.

    Well done you to still be breastfeeding. Lots of twin mums give up after the first couple of weeks it seems, so that's quite an achievement aswell. I hope you've remembered to up your activity level on here. I bet you barely have time to sit down with four little ones! If you're not ready to adjust your diet just yet I wouldn't worry if you're not gaining weight. If you're still burning everything you're eating I would let it ride for a few more weeks. Heal first, exercise, sweat and calorie count later!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I can't believe with twins you've had time, I'm barely finding time with a singleton - definitely impressed jchepulis!

    I'm doing okay, been back to running for about a week and eating at a small deficit for about the same. Running is slowly getting easier but I can't believe how much harder it is and how slow I am. I was so active while pregnant that I thought I'd hold onto more fitness than this =/ Oh well. At least as my body adjusts to running I no longer feel so much pulling on my incision - it was never pain per se but it wasn't comfortable.

    I do have a 5K - my first race since 5 1/2 months pregnant! - on 11/30 that I'm really excited for. I picked a race with a medal so I can commemorate my first race back. It'll be a lot slower than I was hoping for but I'm getting out there!

    My little man is doing great too, he's 7 1/2 weeks old already. Time is FLYING! We're EBF and he's been growth spurting the past couple days which has been rough, but thankfully it isn't painful anymore. It was a lot harder to get nursing going for him than it was my daughter - he tore up my nipples pretty good initially with a strong suck and a shallow latch, but we seem to have adjusted. He's gaining great, was 11lbs at his 1mo so I'm expecting him to be around 12lbs right now. Big boy!