Anyone else have this experience?

teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
Hi everyone - I'm new to the group!

I'm 28 and have had PCOS as long as I can remember. I think my periods were semi-normal up until I was about 18... then they started getting more and more spaced out until I wasn't having any at all. I gained about 100 lbs - I won't blame it on the PCOS only... I did go through depression etc but I do feel like it played a huge part. Hormones will make ya crazy! LOL.

Any who - I haven't had a period for a few years (yikes) but I started MFP religiously in January and have since lost 18 lbs (WOOT WOOT). I am now struggling with severe cramping and really abnormal bleeding. I read online that when you lose a certain percentage of your body weight, it starts to get your hormones going again so I did expect changes just not this severe. Has anyone else had this experience during or after losing weight? The next few sentences might be TMI but I warned you...

I bleed so bad and with so many HUGE clots every few nights. Could this be my uterine lining finally shedding? Then there's nothing in between those nights - so it's not a normal cycle.

I've also been really strict on working out and eating but since this bleeding has begun (about 2 weeks ago) my weight loss has stalled. I'm hoping it's because I'm bloated or all these hormonal changes.. I dunno. I'm not about to give up on losing getting healthy but I just wonder if anyone else had something similar happen?


  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    My entire post is going to be TMI so apologies in advance:
    What you're going through sounds like my old periods before I went on Depo. I used to have the super heavy bleeding with clots for about two weeks every 3-4 months and that's how my cycle was. When I went on BC, it all leveled out. I'm not sure if you're on BC or if that's something you want to investigate but I would def. talk to your gyno/GP about what's going on.
    Great job on those 18 lbs!
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    You need hormones! I take sprintec contraceptive pill and it has made me feel like a normal person. Also weight loss/gain causes irregularities.
  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    I was on birth control before but I got blood clots so I had to get off of all hormones - I've since had 3 blood clots so doctors just aren't sure what I can safely take
  • Mrc1974
    Mrc1974 Posts: 75 Member
    TMI warning hahaha

    When I have a period, and now I have lost a few pounds I had a heavy period last month. A lot of clotting and big clots as well as very heavy bleeding, we are talking super tampax only last 20-30 mins. To be honest I was quite relieved as it is much healthier for your lining to come away.

    I have always had heavy periods and extremely bad cramps. And it seems that around the TOM I don't lose.

    I am no expert by my doctor told me you should always try to have 3 periods a year, to ensure you lining is lost and therefore replaced. If I was you I would definitely go and see a doctor, so that you can get at least 3 periods a year, to be on the safer side.
  • LetGo23
    LetGo23 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! If MFP is metformin, then yes, the cycles will be a lot heavier some months. Try using 'Depends'. It will provide you coverage.