Day 3 _ what do you define as a binge?



  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    I define a binge as feeling out of control with eating. Thinking in my head "no, why are you eating this?? you aren't hungry. you already had enough" and eating anyway. Eating 25 mini chocolates. I either have none or 25...there is no middle ground. If I'm going to eat them, what's the point of having 1?? I want to keep eating them b/c they taste good. And then once I've started, I think "well, i won't be allowed to eat this many tomorrow, so I may as well just do it up right!" and then I alternate between sweet and salty until I go to bed. That's the only reason I ever stop once I start...bedtime.

    And I'll be the only one eating. My husband won't be...just me, on the couch, eating. It's not like I'll be a party pooper if I don't's just me....going back into the kitchen over and over again for something different.

    And when this happens I don't CARE that it will affect my weight loss...I decide, well, I look good enough...I should be able to do this sometimes. Then I feel so awful afterwards and in the morning. I can't sleep b/c my stomach hurts and I know I lost control. And then I'm stuck relosing the same damn pounds OVER AND OVER again. It's water weight b/c I gain it quickly and lose it quickly. But wouldn't it be nice to actually lose REAL weight??? I won't unless I can quit this.

    And it makes me feel BAD, so why do I do it?? I KNOW it makes me feel bad. I KNOW during the binge I will feel bad afterwards. Don't I love myself enough to NOT DO THAT TO MYSELF????

    Wow, reading over this it sounds so sick. I have a disease or something. Rereading this when I feel like binging may actually be helpful. Glad I found some other people who understand. Phew...

    here's my extremely long answer from my first try at this challenge. i'm actually in a better place binging-wise than i was then, which i didn't realize until i reread this entry. so i'm hoping that's a good sign that i'll be able to be successful this time around. :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I define a binge as being an instance in which I eat uncontrollably. I am not enjoying myself, I know I'm going to regret it, and it ends up with me being on the verge of puking. It's definitely not a binge for me unless I can't control myself. If I have control but allow myself a little treat or have a cheat day/meal, that's a splurge and not a binge. Usually my binges end up being a days worth of food calories on top of my already consumed calorie amount. Binges are HELL!

    Many similar answers, but this really hits home for me.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I find I binge most at night after dinner. For whatever reason, I just start eating everything in sight. Particularly when my boyfriend is in the shower because I don't want him to see me stuffing my face :-\ It can never be just one bite for me, it's the whole thing.

    Day 3 binge free :-)