How long can you stall?

Ok so I've about had it. I don't know what else to do. I'm taught that having weight loss surgery is a tool, so i try working hard at it. I work out 5 days a week, which is usually between 30-45 min on a treadmill and anywhere from 5-15min on a bike. The scale finally started to move. The lowest my weight has ever been was 194, and that was back in July. Since then it has gone as high as 207. I could literally weight in at 200 and the very next day will be 205. Last week I was happy to see 202, today it's 207. I don't understand why it's such a huge jump the very next day. I don't eat much carbs, but I do have to have some type of carbs cause i'm type 1 diabetic. I try to eat lots of protein and veggies and I'm drinking way more water than ever. But the scale has proven it refuses to be in my favor. I seriously don't know what else to do. I had gastric bypass august 9,2011. I'm 18 months out and havent even lost 100lbs, I feel like such a failure. I know others that don't even work out or do anything but they lose weight., or they even starve themselves. I don't want to do that. Anyways i'm trying to make an appointment with the nutritionist to see what else to do, but if anyone has any advice for me whatsoever, please share them.


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hey honey,
    there tends to be alot more stalling of weight loss with the bypass for some reason who knows why???? :noway: which can be really gutting! but it will tend to drop big next time it drops if you are eating everything right and not going over cals ect!
    try swapping aroung the exersice abit more try even just a dvd instead of walking for instance it all will help,i'm affraid there is no set time limit to weight stalls they just happen so keep off the scales for 2 weeks and try again,the scales can be our worst enemy as i have found out recently! :wink:
    good luck T :smile:
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    If your going to weigh yourself daily do it to evaluate what you did the day before and what you'll do different today. You should only compare your weight loss to a month ago. As long as you weigh less than you did 30 days ago you're headed in the right direction.
  • 130down
    130down Posts: 21 Member
    My stalls only lasted a couple of weeks tops. I did find that keeping a accurate food diary and measuring your food it a must. It is amazing to see how all of those "little extra" things can quickly add up.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    The longest stall I had was the one all the RNYers get a few weeks out from surgery and it lasted for 6 weeks. I now only stall for a week or so lose a pound or two then stall while the body is shrinking and then the scale moves again. I know that the "tool" loses its effectiveness in year two but short of you having eaten at your bodies maintainance level I can't understand why you haven't even lost your first hundred. This might be when you need to open your diary and let us have a look. Maybe you need to try the liquid diet for a while or do the pouch test just to give your body a jump start. You still sugar free? You still pop/caffine free? So many questions and factors into why you might not be at your goal...
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Feeling your pain...I have had a series of stalls! This last one lasted almost 2 months...been losing and gaining the same stinking three pounds. The last couple of days the scale finally started moving again after I increased my calories and protein even more. Hopefully this works for me for a awhile longer. Stalls really suck!
  • How many calories are you eating? I only stalled when I didn't eat enough. I've been stuck, only losing about 10 pounds in the last 2 months, so I really bumped up my calories...I burn 3,500 a week in exercise. I'm finally losing again...because I haven't been eating enough, but am now.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Six months out I had an actual gain of 9 lbs in a month!! I still don't know what caused it. Be patient! Follow your diet carefully make sure you are accurately counting calories and portions. Drink water. Make sure you get your protein in. And exercise. Change it up. Eating back my exercise calories ( like I could in the beginning, I just couldn't eat that much if I wanted too) does not work for me, I have a sluggish metabolism. It took me 18 months to lose all my weight. We are all different. You need to find what works for you. After the first year my weight loss was about a 1/2 lb a week if that.
  • dolphintattoo
    dolphintattoo Posts: 33 Member
    Seems like you are doing a lot of cardio, maybe add weight training into the mix, I find an hour of cross training really helps boost the metabolism.
  • romyker
    romyker Posts: 9 Member
    I'm glad you asked this question because I am in the same boat. I had RNY in June and am down 55 pounds, but have stalled in the last month or so. It is frustrating because I work out 5 days a week and even ran a 5k without having to walk any of it. And I see people who've had the surgery around the same time I did and they're down like 100 pounds.

    It's interesting reading some of the replies, though, because it seems it may be a problem eating too few calories. For me, I know I need to watch my carbs more and watch that I don't graze too much. I also think that when you work out so much, you naturally get hungrier. Your brain sends the signals you need more food to sustain the activity level. I still haven't pinpointed the exact problem but keep at it because I know I'm healthier than I've been in a really long time and I feel soooo much better.... and stronger.

    Hang in there... I'll be doing the same. :o)
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    How is your protein intake? I have noticed for myself personally (I am 6mths out) that when the scale stops moving, I need to up my protein and calories/carbs as well. Once I start eating a bit more, the scale moves once again.

    As I said though I am 6 mths out as of Thursday. I've lost 109lbs. I work out 7 days a week - doing C25K 3x's a week and then other things the rest of the week - Wii fit, Treadmill, Recumbent bike, Jillian Micheals dvd's, etc.