Petty people!

demme02 Posts: 17 Member
edited January 14 in Social Groups
Need to vent about people who never could acknowledge or want to hear about my working out and fun and new classes I take because they were jealous that they were lazy and very overweight. With me not having a ton of weight to lose, or most people thinking I'm very skinny when I just know how to dress to not accentuate my flaws, I understand that no one wants to hear how I'm frustrated because I'm not in the shape I want to be. I get that. But now that these people are in one of their fads with working out and acting as if they are the ones that created the idea and that's ALL they talk about and then have their own conversations around me as it what, is it not the same because I've regularly exercised for many years now and they think I don't HAVE to lose weight..I know I'm rambling but I'm so sick of dealing with stuff like that...

Ok, done! :smile:


  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I hate that. I'm a weightloss success and people seem to think that once you reach your goal weight, that means that if they see you eating a salad you must have an eating disorder!

    Umm no, wanting to be fit and respecting my body applies to people of all sizes, not just overweight
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm trying to lose 20 pounds to get down to 130. I get tired of obese people telling me I'm skinny enough already. It's like well yeah, I'm not obese, but I'm not skinny either!
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    when an overweight make some stupid comment about me eating salad, I dont go into details... I just say.... because I eat salad I'm not fat.... I love my body and my health.....

    I have never got a response to that besides... you are right... I wish I could do the same.....

    If someone says that I dont need to lose weight... that I look good... I usually say... I can always look better, plus I like to be active and look hot with my swimsuit.
  • kirstynday88
    kirstynday88 Posts: 12 Member
    It IS FRUSTRATING! I am in the Military- and the majority of the female Soldiers I work with think Im obsessive because I eat my six meals a day, carry celery bags in my pocket, and have my hydration system with me all the time. They see a weight on a score card and say, "you're way under the Army's weight limit, who are you trying to impress" because I still want to lose about 15lbs, its for me, my health, to be here for my two boys long down the road! They just cant see the frustration in our plateaus because at a heavier weight you CAN lose 4lbs in a week, it takes me 8 weeks to do that! Okay, off soap box. :) Just completely agree!
  • demme02
    demme02 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks all.. Glad to know I can vent about stuff like that because not too many people will take me seriously!
  • vwu1983
    vwu1983 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm totally with you on this. Similar to you, I'm in no need to lose weight, which I do not brag about it nor show it off. I am my own self and i have my own goals to reach. They need to take care of themselves before striking out offensive comments. Maintaining your weight is hard to do and they don't seem to get that point.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    I get this from people sometimes, and I hate it.

    "You don't eat anything! You should eat more!" It's not that I don't eat anything - it's that I eat a healthy portion, while they're practically eating out of a trough. That probably sounded judgmental, but it makes me angry. Don't project your self-consciousness on me. Don't try to make yourself feel better by trying to make me feel bad.

    My mom is always telling me I don't need to lose weight. She's worried because before, a few years ago, I had a medical problem and lost a lot of weight unintentionally. I wasn't fit or healthy, and it wasn't a good place. Anyway, I bounced back from it, packed on some extra, and I'm just trying to be healthier now. That doesn't stop her from stressing out, and saying things like "Don't lose too much - you were so sick before..." Yes, I know - this is an entirely different situation.

    The thing is, people will always have an opinion. If your doctor is on board with your goal weight and how you're going about it, and you're doing not doing anything that's making you uncomfortable, what other people think doesn't really matter. There will always be people who try to tell you what to do, whether they are concerned mothers or jealous so-called friends. Do you.
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    I hear ya! Just because we know salad is not garnish and running shoes are for running isn't any reason to be hating! I gained weight after stopping smoking and lost it about a year later. Now it's about being fit, the best me I can be. They won't get it unless they get to where we are.

    We deserve to be where we are! We've worked hard for it!
  • Very much agree.
    To add to that vent, whenever the topic would come up, and someone asked me what kind of workouts I was doing, and I mentioned Jillian Michaels and described what the workout was like, all I would hear was, "Oh, she's nuts, you're going to get hurt, that can't be good for you, take it easy, take a break from the weights, you might be over-doing it since you don't need to lose weight." I know lots of people don't like Jillian or only know what they see from The Biggest Loser, and sometimes I do mute my TV (Ha!) but the girl gets it done. And don't ever tell certain people that you're sore from yesterday's workout, because then they'll hit you with, "I told you so - you're over-doing it!" Grrr.

    I will never understand why people think certain workouts are considered extreme if you don't really need to lose weight. I WISH you could lose weight, get fit and stay that way by boing back to eating crap and sitting around all the time.

    Most of these comments are about ignorance, jealously and fear.
    I don't care if I sound like the stupidest person out there - I'm going to ask that question and learn about what I don't know. Not pass judgement on stuff I have no knowledge of.

    Done! :smile:
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