How much do most gain during reset?

Hi. I just started reset and I am scared about weight gain. Can some of you share how much you gained eating at TDEE for 8 weeks (after being on a low cal diet)? Thanks!


  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    I am on my second week of reset.... Almost 2 lbs gain. But I am looking forward when my reset is done. :)
  • Gapwedge01
    Hi. I just started reset and I am scared about weight gain. Can some of you share how much you gained eating at TDEE for 8 weeks (after being on a low cal diet)? Thanks!

    Hard to say. Are you gradually raising your calories like 200 a week or did you jump straight to TDEE? Most early weight will be water retention anyway.
  • jkchampton
    Is it better to go slow? I was trying to just jump right in, but I have yet to hit it yet. Big adjustment. If I ate junk it would be easy to hit those calories, but I am trying to eat healthy and stick to the macros. Struggling to get 192 grams of protein and I usually don't hit my max of fat either. Easy to get the carbs. If people gain less by gradually adding calories, then I will change my game plan. My TDEE is 1961 (I am 125 pounds) so it would not take long to get there just increasing by 200 cals a week.
  • prettypaleo67
    192 grams of protein seems like a LOT for someone that only weighs 125. I weight 160 and aim for 150-160 and that's because I lift heavy. What macros are you trying to hit?
  • jkchampton
    I am just followings the EM2WL instructions. I used the recommended website that calculates it for you. 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. I am trying really hard to get more protein but I can never seem to get that much. Like prettypaleo, I think it seems absurdly high. However, I am getting the amount she is suggesting (around 155 yesterday and I am projecting about the same today) along with increasing on weights (I have been lifting for a while, but I plan to push it hard now) so maybe I should just stop stressing about getting any more. It is hard enough to get 150, but surely I will get use to it. Maybe just eating my body weight in protein would be sufficient. My problem is I am always short on my calories becasue I am not eating 40% protein. However, I lost a pound yesterday which I was shocked about. Maybe I should stick with what I have done the last few days. Around 1700 calories, 150 grams of protien, 150 grams of carbs, under 60 grams of fat. I am not hitting my calculated TDEE, but who knows how correct it is. I need to get a fitbit. Thanks so much for your advice!
  • Gapwedge01
    I am just followings the EM2WL instructions. I used the recommended website that calculates it for you. 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. I am trying really hard to get more protein but I can never seem to get that much. Like prettypaleo, I think it seems absurdly high. However, I am getting the amount she is suggesting (around 155 yesterday and I am projecting about the same today) along with increasing on weights (I have been lifting for a while, but I plan to push it hard now) so maybe I should just stop stressing about getting any more. It is hard enough to get 150, but surely I will get use to it. Maybe just eating my body weight in protein would be sufficient. My problem is I am always short on my calories becasue I am not eating 40% protein. However, I lost a pound yesterday which I was shocked about. Maybe I should stick with what I have done the last few days. Around 1700 calories, 150 grams of protien, 150 grams of carbs, under 60 grams of fat. I am not hitting my calculated TDEE, but who knows how correct it is. I need to get a fitbit. Thanks so much for your advice!

    It is not 1 gram for every pound of body weight, but of lean body mass. Big difference. And even less than 1 gram per LBM is not far off.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I am just followings the EM2WL instructions. I used the recommended website that calculates it for you. 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. I am trying really hard to get more protein but I can never seem to get that much. Like prettypaleo, I think it seems absurdly high.

    EM2WL recommends that you set your macros to: 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat (not 40% protein) that may be some of the problem...
  • prettypaleo67
    Okay, I double checked my settings and at 2100 calories and a 40/30/30 macro ratio (carbs, fat, protein) it comes to:

    210 grams carbs per day
    158 grams protein per day
    70 grams fat per day

    Coincidentally (or not) that works out to approx 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for me.

    It works well for the type of activity I do, if I was doing more endurance type activity I'd probably cut the protein and up the
    carbs. The fat is the one thing I don't like to tinker with as it is very important for satiety for me and well, mental health. ;)
  • jkchampton
    OMG, that would be the problem. It is going to be so much easier to get 40% carbs and 30% protein. Thanks for catching that! Yu made my day!