Newbie...please help!

I have been on MFP for approximately 2 weeks and I feel as if I want to pull my hair out when it comes to figuring out what I should be consuming for calories. I have heard so many different things I don't know what to believe!

I am 5'5 187.8 pounds 33 year old female. I have calculated my BMR and TDEE and also a body weight simulation thing. My BMR is TDEE is 2515 and the body simulator was 2500. I have an active job and constantly walking/climbing stairs and at times running. when i go to the gym I burn from 600-900 calories. When I started MFP it stated i should eat 1200, but I was always hungry and crabby, and didn't feel is if I had any energy. Do I eat the exercise calories I burned or not...I guess I feel I worked my butt off so why would I want to eat them? Thats just me. Please help before I am bald! ;)

