Weeky Chat Thread Mon 2/18 to Sun 2/24



  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    hey ladies! Sorry, I disappeared from our group for a day or two there :smile:

    I ended up taking an additional rest day on Thursday. My poor feet weren't up for a workout and my energy was low once I got home from work. I also have been eating a bit more than my goal, but still controlled. I think my body's enjoyed the extra calories because I woke up today to a new number on the scale! An itty bitty change from my low from last week, but still new low. New scale numbers are always exciting! 147.8 this morning! That's only .2 down from last week, but I'll take it. Any change is good for me. I got back to working out Friday but could only get through 25 or 30 mins of cardio. My foot was KILLING me by the end of that. Argh. Saturday, went to the specialty shoe store and had someone help me- look at my gait, etc. He says my right foot supinates (rolls out to the side a bit) and my left foot looks fine (ironic to me since the left one is the one that's bothering me so much). I explained everything that was going on and he helped me choose a shoe- super suportive and cushy. Worked out with it last night and was able to get through 55ez without much pain! Success. However, I think they're a tad on the too tight side to today or tomorrow's workout I need to see if I can loosen them at all or if I need to go back and find a wider shoe. After I took my shoes off there was a little red spot on the top of my left foot big toe joint- so the shoe was too tight there. But they said I could bring them back to exchange if they didn't work out. The real test will be Monday's workout when I will have worked a whole day walking around, so we'll see. I'm hopeful though! Stupid feet. Oh they also recommended better socks. He said it makes a big difference, and since I didn't have much pain during my workout he must be right! The socks are super cushy on the bottom, almost like having an extra pad in your shoe.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    @dym - Actually I think they meant the HIITs... don't do those ones back to back or more than 3 or 4 times a week. But the other ones are all good! :)

    That makes sense, I didn't actually read the whole thing, I just happened to catch that section and thought I would go back and read the whole thing because it seemed odd...though you'd think I would have by now considering I just completed week 10.

    @starlage, that's great about the shoes, that's what I had to do, sure I had to pay a little extra going to a specialty store, but it was worth it, since I could return the shoe within 30 days if they didn't work out. I ended up getting a running shoe, now I can get through the workouts no problem.