How much did you gain during reset?

I'm just starting and am curious what's a "normal" gain.

Sorry if this topic already exists.


  • prettypaleo67
    Hi Emily,

    I'm two weeks in and have gained 3 pounds while eating at my TDEE. However, I am also lifting heavy so not sure how much of that is muscle. Also not sure if this is typical or not, hope others chime in!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member

    I did a reset from November through Dec. and only gained 5 pounds (although it was scary!) But now it is all coming off while eating more - gotta love that!

    The gain, I believe, is more water than anything else!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I'm ending Week 10 tomorrow (going for the full 12 week reset) and have gained 5 pounds. But I gained it all the first 5 weeks and have been maintaining since then. So really, I could start my cut, but I decided at the beginning to commit to the full 12 weeks so that's what I'm going to do. Currently trying to decide where/how to reduce calories to hit my cut, and I don't want to do it!
  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    My first reset I took too fast, jumping up 1000calories per day Ina very short period of time. I believe I "flooded the engine" as it were, and gained between 15 and 20 pounds. I could still wear my original pants but they were tight. I gave up at seven weeks because I got scared.

    Months later I'm doing a second reset much, much slower and haven't really gained anything. I have about four pounds of water weight that keep fluctuating around but that is it. I'm 7 weeks in, 5 weeks at TDEE.

    Everyone's bodies are different and will react in unique ways. If I had finished the first reset maybe I would have not gained anything else and these months could have been used for fat loss. Who knows? Maybe if I had gone slow the first time I would not have gained, or maybe I would... Ultimately the number on the scale is not the important part, it is about giving your body what it needs to be healthy and working with it to achieve your fitness goals. If your body needs to gain to make this all work for the best, do it. The costs are minor in comparison to the benefits.

    And I have to mean it I gained a-hell-a-lot and I went back for seconds. Lol
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I did not gain any weight. In fact, I lost a couple pounds during my mini reset. I did not go the full 8-12 weeks.

    You can see my exact figures in this post:

    Do note that I am no longer using the numbers from Scooby's calculator. I think that calculator makes for an excellent guideline, but I ended up using heybales spreadsheet on the "Roadmap" group. The spreadsheet took into consideration my body fat (which is quite high) and gave me a much lower BMR of 1531.

    For the past 3.5 weeks, I've been eating approximately 1,600 calories a day and have lost an additional 6 pounds, which is more than I expected as 1,600 is slightly less than a 500 calorie deficit. I'll have to keep this high loss in mind when I get a couple weeks where I don't lose anything.

    Come Sunday, I'll be eating at TDEE for a week, then I'll make another cut for four more weeks. I'm keeping a log of the average calories I consume each week so I can get to know my body better over time.

    You'll find the post with a link to heybales spreadsheet in the sticky threads:
  • Gapwedge01
    I did not gain any weight. In fact, I lost a couple pounds during my mini reset. I did not go the full 8-12 weeks.

    You can see my exact figures in this post:

    Do note that I am no longer using the numbers from Scooby's calculator. I think that calculator makes for an excellent guideline, but I ended up using heybales spreadsheet on the "Roadmap" group. The spreadsheet took into consideration my body fat (which is quite high) and gave me a much lower BMR of 1531.

    For the past 3.5 weeks, I've been eating approximately 1,600 calories a day and have lost an additional 6 pounds, which is more than I expected as 1,600 is slightly less than a 500 calorie deficit. I'll have to keep this high loss in mind when I get a couple weeks where I don't lose anything.

    Come Sunday, I'll be eating at TDEE for a week, then I'll make another cut for four more weeks. I'm keeping a log of the average calories I consume each week so I can get to know my body better over time.

    You'll find the post with a link to heybales spreadsheet in the sticky threads:

    ^^^^^^that is great stuff right there!!!!
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    I'm ending Week 10 tomorrow (going for the full 12 week reset) and have gained 5 pounds. But I gained it all the first 5 weeks and have been maintaining since then. So really, I could start my cut, but I decided at the beginning to commit to the full 12 weeks so that's what I'm going to do. Currently trying to decide where/how to reduce calories to hit my cut, and I don't want to do it!

    To you and Julia:

    Did you gain in the first week and a half, then not for a week or two, then again in the end of Week 4?
    I was staying the same, and now it is rising again, only a few pounds, but, as predicted, I am worried.
    I started Week 5 today of my reset, and I was going to stick with TDEE until the middle of Week 6.