Lowering (or is it raising) my weight loss goal

Wooken3 Posts: 635 Member
I just adjusted my ticker to lose another 10 pounds and I'm ok with that. Back in October when setting up the MFP account, I knew I needed to lose weight and 25 pounds seemed like a lot of weight -- and of course it is!! Now at almost 5 months, less 24 pounds, and a whole lot more knowledge, it is time to adjust the goal.

With a BMI of 24.5, I'm at the top of my range of 18.5 - 25. While I'm tickled pink to even be in the range, I've decided to shoot for the middle, which means dropping another 10 pounds. And like I said, I'm ok with that.

Thanks to the MFP site and all the wonderful friends/support I have, I know I'll reach my new goal. The weight probably won't come off as quickly as the first 24 pounds but I'm ok with that too.

As you know, I'm alway ready with a quote and here's mine...

“The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.”
― Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I love the quote and I agree with your decision and will support you !
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    What a great reward for all your hard work. And you"ve added (heavier) muscle mass to boot, with all your exercise.
    Good job. That next 10 will come off easily, with your determination.