shifting stomach fat yet while weight lifting? possible?

I am new on this, i wanted to ask this annoying question as i am fed up and actually think that its meant to be this way > I am quite fit (136lbs) and most of the weight goes to my bottom half..(im a pear) although its quite toned, my arms are lean but i have a little layer of fat on my stomach which i cannot seem to shift and im not sure if i should do so much cardio to shift that and less ab exercises and your not suppost to do so many, since i weight lift because my main goal is building lean muscle.. so thats basically it. Just need some tips on shifting the layer of fat and scuplting the abs or what type of workouts i can do really.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this and answering my question means a lot!

Chloe from Malta



  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    I am new on this, i wanted to ask this annoying question as i am fed up and actually think that its meant to be this way > I am quite fit (136lbs) and most of the weight goes to my bottom half..(im a pear) although its quite toned, my arms are lean but i have a little layer of fat on my stomach which i cannot seem to shift and im not sure if i should do so much cardio to shift that and less ab exercises and your not suppost to do so many, since i weight lift because my main goal is building lean muscle.. so thats basically it. Just need some tips on shifting the layer of fat and scuplting the abs or what type of workouts i can do really.

    Many thanks for taking the time to read this and answering my question means a lot!

    Chloe from Malta


    I'm sure you'll get plenty of variations / replies but one thing you'll hear often (cuz it's true) is that layer is a) gunna be the last place to loose and/or b)you'll need to get a lower teen bf% to loose it.

    In addition to that, I'd give this advice (b/c we've all been there & i personally don't want to look too lean so this is my strategy - which is still in progress, but seems to be working).

    I don't know how much cardio ur doing now, but i only do 1 day of cardio & 4 days of lifting. and the cardio i do is more body resistance / circuit training than ur standard treadmill... in addition to that - I add weight or resistance to any ab workouts i do... If i'm doing some sit up / crunch variation - i add a plate to my abs... leg raises with ankle weights, mason twists with a small plate or small dumbbell... anything that will help "bulk" my abs quicker.

    My thought is that if i build the muscle under there, WHILE doing some cardio to trim the fat - my abs will POP thru sooner than just leaning out... Plus the way my frame is, with my last cut, my ribs stuck out more than my abs - and i want a lil more balance...

    Hope that helps...
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    You're not going to see abs like the guys get unless you are really cut. That layer is typically water and some fat, so you would have to really cut your body fat percentage to get down to where you would see much muscle there.

    That said, there are some things that help reduce belly fat -- Vitamin D3K2 supplements work for me. And while you can't spot reduce, ab work and core work does help tighten up that area rather nicely.

    Now help me get these saddlebags off my thighs. ;^) That's where all mine goes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    mrs_officer, are you skinny fat? (Meaning: your body weight is quite normal, perhaps even on the low-side, but you don't look like you have "muscles".)

    I'm a pear and the ONLY way that I changed my shape was:

    1. eat fewer calories than I was expending (to lose body fat); and
    2. lift 3 x per week.

    For me, cardio doesn't do ANYTHING. I've been a cardio gym-rat for 25+ years and even working out 7 days PER WEEK didn't change one bit of my pear shape. Ever.

    But, by losing fat (and, on me, losing it on my hips/bum/thighs is the LAST place it is leaving my body!), and lifting, I truly am morphing into an hour-glass figure.

    I was skinny-fat all the days of my life when doing cardio-everything. Now, I do cardio 1 x per week, I lift 3 x per week, and I watch my calories VERY CAREFULLY to make sure I'm still losing fat. The. fat. comes. off. VERY. SLOWLY.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Hoooray! I have THE SAME PROBLEM, so I completely understand lol. Water. It's water. The more water you drink (not just during your workouts) the more you sweat... the more you sweat.. BAM you lose fat. That being said you need to strength train, not just do crunches, spot reducing doesn't work.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Where do you want to shift it to?! heheheh

    sorry I had to..

    Lift, work intensely, reduce body fat all over.. its the only way.