Any clean Eaters?


I am starting tomorrow to follow the clean eating principles.

i have done it before and i lost 21lbs in 5weeks without even trying, was wondering if any other uk people followed this lifestyle? if so please friend me as need as much support as i can get x


  • Jennystimetolose
    Jennystimetolose Posts: 58 Member
    Never heard of it Hun :)
  • lucysmommy
    aww ok - its just about cutting out processed foods and sticking to food that has less than 5 ingrediants
  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    I'm a clean eater ... I never drop a crumb :smile:
  • lucysmommy
    I'm a clean eater ... I never drop a crumb :smile:
    lol thats funny :-)
  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    ok proper answer ... I'm two thirds of the way there. I have a ready meal at work for lunch, but all other meals are cooked from scratch. Lots of veg and salad with chicken/fish, but we use lots of spices to pep things up a little.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I eat that way. Cook everything from scratch, too. The only thing I use that has more than 5 ingredients is my whey protein.
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    Even when I was binge eating, it was never processed food. I over ate a lot of freshly cooked meat, pasta, bread and lots of wine. I basically eat clean now without any fat or dairy. If I had a sweet tooth I think I would have been in big big trouble
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member

    I eat maybe 75% clean. The only processed foods I eat are cereal as snacks, low cal hot chocolate, I eat a lot of quorn and cheese. I also use Splenda. Other than that I cook everything from scratch.

    I wouldn't say I'm a strict clean eater as I don't follow the 5 ingredient rule (for some people it's less than 3!!) I just prefer simple fresh foods.

    Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    I avoid processed foods, not sure that I restrict to a max of 5 ingredients, but happy to have you as a friend if you're looking for someone who eats mostly home prepared from scratch meals :)
  • lucysmommy
    Thanks yeah looking for some friends to get more inspiration :-) c
  • sophdalby
    sophdalby Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I've been following a paleo/primal lifestyle since last September! It is tough at first, but the best advice I can give you is to be prepared. Make sure you always have a clean snack handy whilst you're getting over the sugar withdrawals! Add me if you want, I'll support you!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    aww ok - its just about cutting out processed foods and sticking to food that has less than 5 ingrediants

    I think I may be a clean eater then based on your description. My hubby mainly does the cooking. I eat bread though. Does that rule clean eating out?
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I must admit, when I cut out the rubbish snacks/choc/cake I almost automatically became a clean eater.

    It's a bit bizaare as if you are coking from scratch surely it shouldn't mater how many ingredients you use? Can anyone clarify further?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member

    I am starting tomorrow to follow the clean eating principles.

    i have done it before and i lost 21lbs in 5weeks without even trying, was wondering if any other uk people followed this lifestyle? if so please friend me as need as much support as i can get x

    thats of weight to lose in 5 weeks. people usually say 1-2 pounds a week. you want to ensure the style you chose is sustainanble. i dont cut anything out just dont go crazy as i used to
  • kitsuneandy
    I don't get the "less than 5 ingredients" thing?

    Why does it matter if I make something from scratch that has 10 different things in it? Am I missing something?
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't get the "less than 5 ingredients" thing?

    Why does it matter if I make something from scratch that has 10 different things in it? Am I missing something?
  • jannemarie74
    jannemarie74 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't get the "less than 5 ingredients" thing?

    Why does it matter if I make something from scratch that has 10 different things in it? Am I missing something?

    i would also like to know the answer!!!
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Just done some googling on this and nowhere does it say only 5 ingredients so I would also like sources for this. Also am wondering if a rapid weight loss as described can be sustained? I would think it better to lose gradually 1-2 lbs a week as there are no quick fixes when losing weight far as I know. We have to re-educate our palette and digestion !
  • perkypolly
    perkypolly Posts: 22 Member
    I have seen this on a few posts, eating clean, and don't know what it is, but your comment saying about no processed foods etc is the way I try to eat. so you could enlighten me. I try to eat no processed foods (but do have a thing for tinned toms) I eat wholemeal bread if having bread, I normally only eat raw veg. I do eat pulses. and don't eat red meat, I tend only to eat chicken or fish and occasionally pork. is this similar to eating clean ??
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hate to say it but maybe this thread is a wind up-the member who started it has an open diary and she seems to exist on processed foods ...