Calories and weights questions - newbie!

jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
Hi all,

I have just completed my fourth workout of stage 1 - told ya I was new! Just found this group and am looking forward to sharing progress with you all.

I'm just wondering how many cals you think are burnt during these workouts? I'm not cutting, trying to gain really, so when I plug strength training into mfp, for an hours workout it gives me a burn of 153. Now, I am also doing a 10 min run as my warm up, so what figures should I really be considering here? I'm 5'5" and 113lbs.

Now just also a few questions about the weights used. This is where I'm at;

Squats: 30kg
Seated row: 23 kg
Shoulder press: 5kg dumbells
Deadlift: 30kg
Lat pull down: 28kg

I feel I could definitely go heavier for less reps - should I do that or maintain the reps as set out in the program?

I am having the most trouble with the alternating lunges, which annoys me as I've been lunging for years! Lunging forward and down is not a problem. Its the getting up and returing my foot to the starting place that is tricky - I keep going off balance even with my feet shoulder distance apart. I'm only holding 5kg dumbells so I can't imagine that the weight is the issue!! How can I improve this.... or is it just keep at it?



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    anyone? :-(
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I think it is very difficult to say with weight lifting as you burn calories even after you have finished your workout. When I did Stage 1 before i wore my HRM and I am pretty sure it was about the 500 mark but I can't remember for definite.
    I am overweight though and not very fit so my burn might be higher.

    Generally I think it is recommended to add 300 cals on workout days. Are you doing that?

    Have you looked at the excel sheet? It will help you with you calorie calculations and shows you options for maintenance. Maybe use those and add if necessary.

    I am by no means an expert but this is my two cents :smile:

    Hope it might help
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    I've just started wearing my HRM for lifting session, I know its still not an accurate way to measure the burn but it tells me I burn about 450 cals doing a stage 1 workout including my warm up. I'm 5'4 and weigh 71kg. This is quite a bit more than mfp calculates but I eat back 300 of those when I have my shake.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    when you plug in an exercise for mfp, I know a lot of folks just use "circuit training" I think it is a relatively accurate estimation, but it's all very hard to say.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Jo - welcome to the group!!!

    I agree with Daisy. Add about 300 calories to start, per the book. Its not that you actually burn that much during your workout, but you need extra calories on lifting days as your body keeps working afterwards. If you are looking to gain muscle you need to eat at a can start low and experiment.

    For the lunges, focus on really pushing off your front leg after you have lunged. That is the working part of the movement, not just a "return to the starting position".

    I also run a mile before I lift! Trying to run it faster every time!

    I would stick with the 15 reps for now. Before you know it, you will be to workout 5 and down to 10 reps. The first 4 workouts are to work on your form. Increase if you can, but do the 15 the first time through NROLFW.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks for the replies, I don't think I'm getting an extra 300 yet.... I'm so full! Will keep at it xx