"plyometric cardio circuit" vs "cardio circuit"

I got the insanity videos from a friend and while the calendar for today said simply "cardio circuit" i couldn't find that workout in the bunch i have. there are days on the calendar that say both cardio circuit and plyometric cardio circuit, but i only have a video for the plyometric one. thats what i did today in the absence of anything else, but i was just wondering if i'm missing a file. thanks!


  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    You might be missing a file.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    The tapes that I do at the beginning are these::
    Pylometric Cardio Circuit
    Cardio Power & Resistance
    Cardio Recovery
    Pure Cardio

    I don't have anything that says "Cardio Circuit".
  • My calendar is like that too and I always just assumed they took a shortcut in printing and that the "cardio circuit" is the same thing as "plyometric cardio curcuit".
  • cbwilliams2004
    cbwilliams2004 Posts: 24 Member
    They're the same