Level 2 Day 10

Good morning!
My workout today was technically day 9 since I took a rest day earlier in the week but I know it should be day 10 for some of you.
Congratulations for making it through level 2!

Today felt better than a few days ago and I think I'll just move on to Level 3 with the rest of you.
We might only be a few left but let's keep going!

I wonder what "gems" of wisdom Jillian will have in the next level?


  • EliseLives
    EliseLives Posts: 50 Member
    So looking forward to Jill's gems of wisdom haha.

    Today I felt very tired. I really wanted to attack this last day in this level. Oh well. One more level left!!!
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    I took a rest day yesterday too! My body needed it. I crashed at 8:30pm and slept straight through until my alarm clock went off at 6:30am! Last day of Level 2 here I come!
  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    Great work Everyone! I think was is super good is that people have taken rest days, adjusted their levels and the moves during the DVD and still kept going. We will get through this together! And maybe....just maybe...do another video after this.
  • kncvl
    kncvl Posts: 41 Member
    Totally down for another video after this. Have really been enjoying 20 minutes of doing work before going to work, haha.

    What is everyone going to do after?

    Ten more days!!
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    I'm considering Ripped in 30 but it's a bit longer I hear. 20 minutes is so much easier to get done!
    any other ideas?
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    I think I just made a very bad mistake. After finishing my workou tonight I watched level 3. LOL
  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    I just bought Ripped in 30 too.....I'll check it out to see how long it is and let you know. Anyone else have any ideas? It's sooo much better doing this in a group!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    idk if it would be a good idea for me to do Ripped in 30 after this if it's very much harder. I still have a long ways to go, once I hit 199 I would be more apt to do that one lol
  • kncvl
    kncvl Posts: 41 Member
    20 minutes is like the perfect amount of time for me. I'll have to look up ripped in 30! I dunno if I wanna Shred again back to back.