
Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
We could creep eachothers' profiles, or do the slightly more social thing and ask (as if online posting is "social"; but hey, it's closer).

Who are y'all?

I'm Heather. I go through spurts of physical activity and healthy eating, but usually they putter out after a few weeks. So far, it's been about a month and a half. Woo! I like to watch Say Yes to the Dress and Archer, and eating is pretty much the best thing ever. Except maybe sex.

So tell me about yourselves, or I'll have to creep your profiles. And make no mistake, I'll do it.


  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    Hey there! I'm Ashley. I am trying to be healthy but I suck at it. I LOVE carbs and candy! I'm from Georgia but I now live in a small town in North Carolina where I don't really have any friends so I either work out alone or with my husband. We are doing the 30 day shred right now. This is my third time doing it and I am really hoping I see results this time. Um, thanks for having me! Haha
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Hey Ashley! I love you lipstick. I tend to rock the bright red at least half the week. Makes for a great combo with fair skin and dark hair. Ah, carbs. I would live off potatoes, rice, pasta, and sweets in an ideal world. You're in good company. I'd offer to be your gym buddy, but I'm rather north of you in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Bit of a commute, particularly during rush hour.

    What is the 30 day shred? I keep reading about people doing it. Sounds painful...
  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks! I'm trying to find a darker shade red lipstick but I can't find one!

    30 Day Shred is a work out dvd by Jillian Michaels. It is pretty intense but the moves are pretty basic so it doesn't take long to catch on. On most workout videos I'm spending half the time trying to figure out how they did what they just did! haha so I like the 30 day shred.
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Mac has about a million shades (give or take); their Pro longwear stuff is amazing. (

    Ah, cool! I may have to check that out. The closest I ever did to a fitness video was for bellydance. It was really cool, but not too intense, and I only went through it 3 or 4 times. Hurrah for commitment haha.
  • ashhens1030
    Hi! I'm another Ashley...but there is alway more than one anywhere you go. Im a newbie to MFP, loving it already on day 3! Doing p90x, can't walk/sit/etc. right now, typing even hurts, haha. Married with a dog. Cardiac nurse. ( major incentive to get healthy, not wanting to become one of my patients one day ).

    Looking forward to getting fit!!!
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    This app really is awesome. Well-thought out, and the cardio workouts are so numerous, it's nuts. Haha ouch! When I'm feelin' it that bad, I take a bath. It's a good excuse to stock up on Lush products =p Cardiac nurse; that's awesome! I have two friends who are nurses, one working in upper GI, the other, not really sure. General?

    What kind of dog do you have?
  • SheedahSmile14
    SheedahSmile14 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Rasheedah, I'm 22 from Cleveland, OH. I've been in and out of weight loss, with the most being 35lbs. Just gained a ton from this past year and just ready to shed those pounds away and more. Officially starting to use MFP tomorrow since I made it tonight and I'm excited to be apart of a community. Let's help each other because Lord knows I need it :)
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Hey Rasheedah! How's your first day with it going? It's so tough to put in multiple shots; I'd started to think I'd never lose the weight I've been toting since junior high. But this really does work; you can do it!
  • SheedahSmile14
    SheedahSmile14 Posts: 32 Member
    I just now saw this post lol. Thanks a lot and I'm loving the site so far! It is very helpful and I hope I can be there for you all as you are for me.
  • sashastackhouse
    sashastackhouse Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Sasha and I am 22 years old. I am from California but I am currently teaching English in a tiny town in Japan. It's pretty great working with a bunch of energetic little kids and singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes everyday. haha. I like the way I look but for me it's about getting in a healthy mindset that I can keep for the rest of my life. Fortunately, once you have a healthy lifestyle in place, your body tends to find it's "happy zone". Thanks for creating this group!
  • SheedahSmile14
    SheedahSmile14 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Sasha and I am 22 years old. I am from California but I am currently teaching English in a tiny town in Japan. It's pretty great working with a bunch of energetic little kids and singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes everyday. haha. I like the way I look but for me it's about getting in a healthy mindset that I can keep for the rest of my life. Fortunately, once you have a healthy lifestyle in place, your body tends to find it's "happy zone". Thanks for creating this group!

    Hey Sasha!

    That sounds like such a cool job. How do you like living in Japan? And that's great, we are all about trying to get into a healthier mindset. That's what counts when we get into our 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. The patterns we develop now are what we will do later. Welcome and we look forward to having you apart of the group!
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Sasha and I am 22 years old. I am from California but I am currently teaching English in a tiny town in Japan. It's pretty great working with a bunch of energetic little kids and singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes everyday. haha. I like the way I look but for me it's about getting in a healthy mindset that I can keep for the rest of my life. Fortunately, once you have a healthy lifestyle in place, your body tends to find it's "happy zone". Thanks for creating this group!

    Hey Sasha!

    That sounds like such a cool job. How do you like living in Japan? And that's great, we are all about trying to get into a healthier mindset. That's what counts when we get into our 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. The patterns we develop now are what we will do later. Welcome and we look forward to having you apart of the group!

    Hear hear! Welcome aboard, Sasha =)
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi! I'm Indigo, I'm about to turn 27 (omg) and I'm in grad school. My girlfriend and our (ahem, her) neurotic dog and I relocated from California to Boston a few months ago. I left behind all of my friends and my workout buddies! My girlfriend is one of those skinny girls who just naturally maintain a slim figure while eating pretty much whatever they want. Not fair. My calorie counting and incessant need to talk about how far I ran today is sort of driving her crazy, so I realized I need to find support elsewhere. Hello, internet friends!

    I'm generally a pretty good eater but I'm prone to doing bad things like...eating an entire bag of chips in a day. MFP plus my new food scale are helping me watch my portions, so I hope a skinnier me is on the horizon!

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Hi! I'm Indigo, I'm about to turn 27 (omg) and I'm in grad school. My girlfriend and our (ahem, her) neurotic dog and I relocated from California to Boston a few months ago. I left behind all of my friends and my workout buddies! My girlfriend is one of those skinny girls who just naturally maintain a slim figure while eating pretty much whatever they want. Not fair. My calorie counting and incessant need to talk about how far I ran today is sort of driving her crazy, so I realized I need to find support elsewhere. Hello, internet friends!

    I'm generally a pretty good eater but I'm prone to doing bad things like...eating an entire bag of chips in a day. MFP plus my new food scale are helping me watch my portions, so I hope a skinnier me is on the horizon!

    Nice to meet you all :)

    She sound like my sisters. Maybe they should get together sometime and discuss how awesome they are. Lucky friggers haha You're in good company here! My poor boyfriend has been going batty with all the updates on calories and weight. Feel free to dish it out here!

    How are you and your lady and dog liking Boston? I'd bet it's a wee bit colder than California this time of year.
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    Hey, Im Danielle, and I'm from northern Ireland - a place call belfast ( you have probably all heard about all the bad things ) but its not that bad living here lol !

    Ive recently just moved into my own house and have a really bad sweet tooth , after dinner all i can think about is chocolate or something sweet! Im trying to control it though and having a sweet fruit like pineapple or strawberries etc after dinner.

    I work as a receptionist for an insurance firm , and cannot leave my desk during the day so excercise during work hours only happens if i get to go out for half an hour on my lunch!

    I usually go to the gym 2-3 times a week , but got a cross trainer at home and use it every day as well!

    Anything else you want to know just ask , i love to talk lol !!

    Thanks for creating this group!
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Hi there, Danielle! Ireland's on my list of places to visit in the next 5 years. My family is at least a quarter Irish, should not quite sure where from.

    Good call on using fruit for those cravings; I do the same (grapefruit is my current vice, or craisins). It's great that you're still managing to be active, even though your work schedule sortof forces you to be sedentary for a good chunk of the day. Props! What's your exercise regimen like?
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    It is hard to get the motivation to work out , I get up at 6am , get showered and dressed, it takes me an hour to get to work and an hour to get home , so im out of the house from 6am and if I go to the gym after work I am not home until 8pm at night , then i have to make dinner, clean , etc.

    This past week my excercise has been a bit different as I have now acquired a cross trainer ,

    My past week from last thursday has went like this

    Last Thursday night - 45 minutes on cross trainer
    Friday - 45 minutes on cross trainer plus 15 minutes of kettle bell dvd
    Saturday Morning - 20 minutes on cross trainer - saturday evening - 20 minutes on cross trainer
    Sunday evening 30 minutes on cross trainer
    Monday night - 50 minutes of kettle bells and 20 minutes on cross trainer
    Tuesday night - Gym - 25 minutes on treadmills , 15 mins on row machine , shoulder press , abdominals
    Wednesday night - 30 mins on crosstrainer

    and tonight its gym night again so treadmill and weights tonight

    Usually I dont train every day - but its been a bit of a novelty this past week being able to do it from my own home - before i got the trainer i literally only excercised two - three times a week in the gym

    I have cut my out most things .. the worst being the sugar in my tea.. its so hard but im trying ... also trying peppermint tea instead as it is nicer than ordinary tea without sugar ..

    Im following low calorie meals at night time but i cant get this stupid sweet tooth gone .. hence the fruit ( spent £35 in Lidl on saturday on fruit and veg alone! ) hehe

    If your in Ireland come say Hi , I live beside ... or near enough beside a MASSIVE castle :D ! xx
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    My names Bri, and I have been logging on everyday for almost two months. The last time I was this motivated was last yr, but my dad pased away and I totally gave up :/. I'm not planning on stopping this time, I want to make a life change! A few years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Its where a persons thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones to support their metabolism. I'm on medication, and I've been feeling better. Now to lose the 40+ lbs I gained because of it! I will make it happen, I just to make sure I have determination and patience :).
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm sure you'll find lots of motivated, supportive folks on here! I log on every day too (more out of being a compulsive interweb user than an avid fitness junkie, but tomato tomato [apparently that doesn't translate to written communication]), so count on some support here =) My family has a history of thyroid problems; it can be tough, especially when people assume you're simply not living a healthy lifestyle. Welcome to the party, Bri!
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    Thank you! I'm glad to be apart of this group :)