
How do you set up your goals for fitness and losing weight? I write mine down and use something similar to what Chalene Johnson talks about in your book PUSH. SMART Goals......Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Rewarding and Time Sensitive :happy:


  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    In January, I started a weight loss challenge that involves cardio kickboxing classes at my son's dojo. My son & I ended up signing up for a martial arts camp that next Saturday...that turned into us both working towards getting our black belts. We both have a yellow belt right now. We will be eligible for testing for our orange in March. So I workout at least 5x's a week, and try to eat better. Next month, I want to start measuring weekly as one of my goals. Trying to make it lifestyle...not just weigh food forever!
  • Q4Rhority
    My goal is to loss at least 2-3 pounds a week and eventually get down to 170 lbs of good healthy solid muscles
  • committed2b
    committed2b Posts: 16 Member
    Great to hear your goals & what your doing to reach them!