New to Group & Frustrated

Beata375 Posts: 68 Member
Hi All! I'm new to the group...I've been desperately trying to lose about 10 lbs and just can't seem to shake them. I keep losing and gaining the same lb... for months now. Went to a naturopath/nutritionist and starting Sunday trying a new diet, and getting allergy testing completed. Hopefully this will help.


  • strongerthanFAT
    strongerthanFAT Posts: 24 Member
    From what I've seen, bouncing around with your calories is the best way to solve this, like 1300 one day, 1800 the next, 1200, 1400, ect..
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Same here. I've got the UK version of BMF and you can pay for weekly support from a dietician. She's now upped. My deficit to 750 but insistent I do this by increasing exercise and not eating below my BMR. Too early to see if its working though.
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    When I started out I was eating around 1000 cals a day plus exercised a lot and nothing happened. Then I started eating my exercise calories back so was eating about 1500 and I started losing! I also had cheat days every once a week (didn't go too crazy but just didn't worry as much) Seemed to work.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I've noticed that my water intake really affects the scale. The more water I drink (within reason), the better I do that week.