2nd week with defecit and no loss??

This is my second straight week wearing the bodymedia fit, the first week was great and I lost 5 pounds! I believe some of that may have been water retention.

My target burn is set for 2890 and I am set for a 1000 calorie deficit to lose 2 pounds a week. This week I have lost nothing. I have burned less on someday's as I was sick and didnt work out, but I still maintained a 1000 - 800 calorie deficit. Is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else the 2nd week??

I just get frustrated when I am doing what I am supposed to be doing yet it is not showing on the scale. I also looked back at my two weeks and noticed that I had closer to a 700-800 calorie deficit the first week. ...??


  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    How much do you have to lose? Maybe 2 lbs. is too quick. Or maybe your body is just readjusting after your loss last week. It could be that you aren't eating enough, and particularly when you are sick, 1000 calorie deficit may be too large. Your body needs fuel to heal itself.

    Two weeks in is too early to start to worry, tho. If you are sure that 1900 is enough fuel for your body, then give it another couple of weeks before you get worried. If you only have 25 or fewer pounds to lose, I'd aim for closer to a 500 calorie deficit, tho. It's harder to lose when you don't have as much to lose.
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    I think it is too soon to be concerned yet, especially when you have been ill. Weight loss won't always be linear, even when you are doing everything 'right'. Please don't let one week when the scale isn't showing loss derail you. I'm aiming for a 1.5 pound loss per week. I haven't seen that every week, but if I look at the last month, I've averaged 1.6 pounds/week.

    Have you started a new workout routine? Or do you have sore muscles? For me whenever I do that, I don't see the loss until the muscle soreness has gone.

    A few years ago when I was training for a marathon, the coach used to tell us not to freak if we gained a couple of pounds after our long run days. She said our bodies will retain some water weight during the repair time. It seemed to be true for me. I'd always be up a few pounds for a couple of days after runs that were 14+ miles.

    Now I notice whenever I start a new routine that leaves me sore, my weight will stall for several days, then I'll have a quick drop.
  • xcom923
    xcom923 Posts: 9 Member
    More importantly WHAT are you eating? we tend to forget that carbs, protien and sugar account for weight loss/gain just as much as RAW calories.
  • lilmisslanna
    lilmisslanna Posts: 104 Member
    I really jumped the gun on this, I should have patiently waited. The very next day I weighed myslef and was down 2 pounds. I have pretty much consistently lost 2 pounds a week give or take. Thanks for all the advice and info ladies! I really appreciate it!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member