Getting off PMDD medicine

I have been on fluoxetine for quite some time. I went from 30mg to 20mg and stayed on 20mg for quite a few years. I started having problems with vivid dreams, restless leg syndrome and the migraines were increasing. I did some research online and learned that there was long term side effects with fluoxetine. The symptoms I am experiencing were mentioned online. Of course everyone is different but it helped me make the decision that I needed to try to get off the medication. My doctor agreed. I was diagnosed with PMDD in 1996. I was on all sorts of different meds until fluoxetine seemed the better fit. Unfortunately it has caught up with me.
I fear that I will return to the crazy person I was before going on the medication. I thought I was losing my mind with the mood swings. I am going to try to go it naturally this time since there is so much more information on PMDD nowadays. I am currently down to 5mg and will be completely off by next weekend.
Has anyone had to do the same? Go off their medications? Just wondering how it worked out.


  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Was hoping you'd of gotten some responses. :(
  • AnnaM63
    AnnaM63 Posts: 25
    I was hoping too. I just had my period this week and already I am feeling like I have to control my moods. One minute I am feeling happy and the next I am feeling *****y. I am trying really hard to not let my family notice. I just hope increasing the exercise helps. I read exercise helps with PMDD so I am really trying to get to the gym as often as I can. I really don't want to go back on medication. I have been PMDD medication for over 17 years. WAY TOO LONG.