arnfolly Posts: 79 Member
I was responding to a thread earlier about finding a plan that is right for EACH individual. A few years ago I was riding the bike @ the gym with a friend, when a young thing (about 17 or 18) came up and was trashing people for riding the bike below level 5.0. I laughed, looked at my friend to my right and ignored her at first. Then, she looks down at my spedometer and says "oh, sorry". I was only going like 3.3 or something slow. So, me being who I am, quick with comments say this "oh, don't worry, someday you will be my age, your knees will ache, your *kitten* will hurt and you will be too tired from helping others beside yourself to make a comment like that around people who are trying to get into shape". LMAO. I thought my friend was going to fall off her bike! The girl turned beet red and walked away in a huff". I did not care. I was at the gym, I was sweating and trying my best to exercise to the best of my ability. I told my friend it matters to me that I CHALLENGE MYSELF and do my exercise routine FOR MYSELF and not guague what OTHERS CAN do or are willing to do. If I try to do something that is not right for me many things will happen.
1) probably will injure yourself
2) not stiick with it
3) begin to HATE your exercise routine
So, when creating an exercise and diet plan, find something that is right FOR YOU and YOUR BODY. Challenge yourself by YOUR OWN STANDARDS and not anyone elses and you will see success! :)


  • lovelifehealth
    lovelifehealth Posts: 71 Member
    That's a great story and fabulous response! One of the biggest downfalls to achieving success is comparing ourselves to others or trying to measure up to someone else's standards. Set achievable, challenging goals that are right for you and you'll come out a winner. :happy:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Great mindset! Way to go!! Glad you were able to say what many people want to! And for that...we thankyou! :)
  • PRQueen71
    What a BANG!!!! Love it. These young women dont think they are ever going to reach this age.
    Thank you for standing up for all of us working hard to stay healthy.

  • piscesy2k
    piscesy2k Posts: 21 Member
    Well done, love the response
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Great job!!! Exactly, what works for someone that is in their 20's, will be much different then someone that is in their 40's!
  • brewman01
    brewman01 Posts: 44 Member
    Way to stand up for yourself!
    I think a lot of people are intimidated by others in the gym, especially at first. It seems that everyone is an expert and their way is the only way. The gym is also a place to learn from others as well.
    As the "old guy" , I am often confronted with why I do certain exercises or why I don't work certain body parts more than once a week, especially from the younger "newbies". I basically tell them to throw away or quit reading their muscle magazines and educate themselves on proper form and nutrition and the rest will follow. Your body will let you know when you have done enough or too little.
    I learned the hard way and after taking things slowly, but correctly, I am now in better shape than I was in my twenties. Sure I have some aches and pains and its a little slower to recover than when I was younger, but I'm not gonna let some young punk gym rat get the best of me!
  • LisaO85
    LisaO85 Posts: 152
    I was responding to a thread earlier about finding a plan that is right for EACH individual. A few years ago I was riding the bike @ the gym with a friend, when a young thing (about 17 or 18) came up and was trashing people for riding the bike below level 5.0. I laughed, looked at my friend to my right and ignored her at first. Then, she looks down at my spedometer and says "oh, sorry". I was only going like 3.3 or something slow. So, me being who I am, quick with comments say this "oh, don't worry, someday you will be my age, your knees will ache, your *kitten* will hurt and you will be too tired from helping others beside yourself to make a comment like that around people who are trying to get into shape". LMAO. I thought my friend was going to fall off her bike! The girl turned beet red and walked away in a huff". I did not care. I was at the gym, I was sweating and trying my best to exercise to the best of my ability. I told my friend it matters to me that I CHALLENGE MYSELF and do my exercise routine FOR MYSELF and not guague what OTHERS CAN do or are willing to do. If I try to do something that is not right for me many things will happen.
    1) probably will injure yourself
    2) not stiick with it
    3) begin to HATE your exercise routine
    So, when creating an exercise and diet plan, find something that is right FOR YOU and YOUR BODY. Challenge yourself by YOUR OWN STANDARDS and not anyone elses and you will see success! :)

    Love, love, love this. Way to go !!!!
  • NikkiRaeLucas
    NikkiRaeLucas Posts: 27 Member
    So true! I was married to a runner and was made to feel inadequate many times because I was not a runner and with my shin splints I just couldn't keep up. I continually felt like a failure and always gave up. I turned to a bicycle and LOVE IT! 10 years ago I was in amazing shape and it was because I found the right exercise for me. I am back at getting in shape and feeling healthy and loving ME! I am so looking forward to spring being just around the corner so I can get on my bike and just "ride away". I have also found a new fitness love in my tread climber and punching bag :)
  • arnfolly
    arnfolly Posts: 79 Member
    Niki you are so right. I was trying treadmill out the past couple weeks and realized yesteray I just cannot continue. I have an issue with my left hip that is going to get me to stop for awhile to allow it to heal (or surgery yukk) so, plan b, moving onto more strength training and pilates. OMG I am learning to enjoy that! Good for you for figuring what works for YOU! :)
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I was responding to a thread earlier about finding a plan that is right for EACH individual. A few years ago I was riding the bike @ the gym with a friend, when a young thing (about 17 or 18) came up and was trashing people for riding the bike below level 5.0. I laughed, looked at my friend to my right and ignored her at first. Then, she looks down at my spedometer and says "oh, sorry". I was only going like 3.3 or something slow. So, me being who I am, quick with comments say this "oh, don't worry, someday you will be my age, your knees will ache, your *kitten* will hurt and you will be too tired from helping others beside yourself to make a comment like that around people who are trying to get into shape". LMAO. I thought my friend was going to fall off her bike! The girl turned beet red and walked away in a huff". I did not care. I was at the gym, I was sweating and trying my best to exercise to the best of my ability. I told my friend it matters to me that I CHALLENGE MYSELF and do my exercise routine FOR MYSELF and not guague what OTHERS CAN do or are willing to do. If I try to do something that is not right for me many things will happen.
    1) probably will injure yourself
    2) not stiick with it
    3) begin to HATE your exercise routine
    So, when creating an exercise and diet plan, find something that is right FOR YOU and YOUR BODY. Challenge yourself by YOUR OWN STANDARDS and not anyone elses and you will see success! :)

    That is so true and funny. My daughter who is 18 left a post on Facebook about, exams, high school sports,homework, and college scholarship essays. Saying she didn't have time to relax. I said welcome to the adult world and I said wait til you get my age and try to accomplish that and more.

    When I go to the gym I try to stay to myself and do my workout which is usually power lifting. I always have young power guys watching and saying things behind my back. I'm like listen I'm 46 I don't have to be the alpha male in this gym, I workout for me and have nothing to prove to anyone. You want a challenge lift what you lift with bad joints and then come talk to me.
  • CaribChick
    CaribChick Posts: 7 Member
    I'm still trying to find what works best for me. Truthfully, I think it changes by the day. Some days I love the treadmill. The next day my knee may be giving me fits so I head to the bike or elliptical. Some days, the thought of running in place on a piece of machinery seems insane and I head to a pilates class. I have found that if I allow this kind of variety and stay in tune with my body, I don't get bored and I don't get hurt. I have a long history of muscle spasm in my low back. I have managed to stay up and mobile for 6 months now by being flexible in my workouts. Some days I'm a great runner, other days, I couldn't generate enough power to light a lightbulb. I think you are right that it is worth some praise for just making the effort on days when there are a million other things that should/could be done but you are investing in your health.

    Young women at the gym who have no filter and no volume control annoy the crap out of me. I know karma catches up but none of us need to hear that kind of babble. Just knowing the families and hormones will eventually offer a little revenges, makes me smile. Kind of evil, huh? ;-)
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I'd probably think to say that AFTER she left! Good on you. I've done two 5Ks so far, and my time is really depressing. But I pushed myself really hard (maybe too hard) and succeeded in doing something I had never done before. It's hard not being able to jog as fast as my husband or as fast as I feel I should. I try to keep that internal voice encouraging, but it's difficult, especially after a few months of backsliding.