Do i still eat more if...

kyunda Posts: 340 Member
I'm using the body media and if i dont reach my daily calorie burn when i synch it to mfp, it adjusts my daily calories that i should consume(lower). So do i still get my higher calories even if i dont reach my goal calorie burn? I'm lifting3-5 days a week. Stronglifts 5x5 and crossfit.

BM goal daily burn:2420
BM goal consume:1920


Thanks for the help guys!


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I could be wrong, but BMF doesn't include exercise, right? Do you wear an HRM for exercise? (not that it would help for strength training)
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Yes it kinda does. But just like a HRM it doesnt track that well for weight lifting. So i no longer wear a regular HRM just the BM all day everyday.
  • Gapwedge01
    If your exercise schedule is a weekly routine (pretty much the same hours per week) I would build that into my TDEE and not worry about eating back or not eating back your exercise calories. If you work out more than planned then eat 200 more calories and if you skip a workout then back off a 100 calories.
    BMF or a HRM are basically useless for lifting. If anything the MFP estimate for lifting is more accurate. Sounds like you are making this a little more complicated than necessary.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Here goes!

    I like to keep it REAL and simple !

    A BMF captures everything when worn all day. TDEE which includes BMR, NEAT and workouts. so ..the concept of " exercise cals" doesn't exist as we know the concept when using MFP as it was strictly designed. what is on the BMF is your daily TDEE and u cut / calc your deficit from there.

    I have a BMF, but I DO NOT sync it to MFP. I know it's marketed that way, but I like to be in control of what I eat, not be tied to a gizmo and over complicate things. I use my BMF as a tool. I wear it for 2 weeks every quarter to get an updated read on my AVERAGE TDEE. I say average, because I take the daily readings for 2 weeks and get a WEEKLY average. I then decide on my deficit based on that number. I then customize my MFP settings to eat that # every single day. I do not log my workouts. I do t need to, don't have to, because I'm using my average WEEKLY TDEE to calc my deficit cal goal. SIMPLE.

    This works well if your activity and workouts are fairly consistent week to week. DON'T over complicate it week is going to be exact, but I almost guarantee its ballpark.

    example: my weekly average TDEE is 2200. I customize MFP to eat 1800 every day. I make a note about my activity in my food log just to track it for my records. I'm CONSISTENT with my eating and activity. Meaning ... I trust the process and stick to consistent cals and exercise. SIMPLE. this is life.

    I hope this answered your question.

    If u have several weeks of data, I will be glad to help u crunch it out to an average if u want to go that route. If u decide to sync ... give a shout to Anitrasoto. I'm pretty sure she has the syncing method down pat.

    PS. I prob won't return to this thread holler at me on my wall if u need me : )
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    A agree with everything Jen said^^^. I do mine a little differently though. I wear mine every day, only because I find it motivating to make sure I stay active enough. I have a very sedentary job and basically sit on my butt all day long, except for my exercise... I use it to try to get between 8,000 and 10,000 steps a day.

    I don't use mine to calculate individual workout burns, I just use it to see my overall TDEE. I average it, like Jen does, over the course of a month to get my average TDEE then I base my daily calorie goal off of that number (currently eating 2,200 which is my maintenance).

    I have set my MFP goal to 2,200 and just try to eat that amount every day. I log my exercise and change the calories burned to "1" so MFP doesn't mess with my goals. Since my TDEE is an average over time, I don't worry about eating more or less on any given day (as long as my exercise is fairly consistent...)

    I do sync my BMF with MFP at the end of the day, just to see what my burn was, but then I delete it from my exercise diary, so it doesn't mess with that day's macros.

    One thing I have noticed is that when I sync mine, it adjusts both the current day and the previous day. What I have been doing is deleting the current day's adjustment, but then leaving the previous day's adjustment there (since that day is already over and I don't care that it has messed with my macros) - that way I have a record on MFP of how active I actually was on that day.

    Sort of confusing to explain, but really simple to do :-)
  • heidi555
    heidi555 Posts: 69 Member
    thanks for the tips I appreciate it too!!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks Anitra not confusing at all!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I do exactly what AnitraSoto does and she explained it perfectly!!!!