don't need to lose weight but really need help!

Hi Sara and SideSteel,

I will apologize ahead of time, this may be long. I'm so confused about workouts that will help me meet my goal of body recomposition. You can see my photos in my profile. Currently I'm 5'10.5" and weigh 140. Waist - 27", hips - 37". Chest is 36".

My goal is to lower my body fat. I don't care if I lose weight or not, but I'm 42, and right about the time I hit 40 I added a fun little layer around my lower abdomen and it needs to go. Initially I started my workouts with a program that I loved involving a full body workout every other day of alternating muscle supersets (three sets of each exercise with 8-10 reps):
Set 1 - Bent over Row and Chest press with Bridge

Set 2 - Chin Up and Tricep Dip

Set 3 - One legged lunge and Shoulder Press

Set 4 - Deadlift and Shoulder Fly

and then some ab work

but then I read that I should be doing splits so my body could get more rest. So I started with that routine - Monday Bench press, bent over row, DB Shoulder Press, Lying tricep extension, barbell curl. Tuesday Squat, Stiff leg deadlift, leg extension, leg curl, standing calf raise, abs. Thursday Dips, Pull-ups, DB side lateral, Tricep Cable pressdown, cable curl. Friday - deadlift, leg press, lunges, seated calf raises, db shrugs and ab work.

Both workouts involved using the heaviest weights I could lift with proper form. The supersets was for 8-10 reps and the splits was 3 sets of 6-8 reps.

Now I read that for body recomposition I really need to go back to full body workouts but maybe not supersets. Also - I read that I should do cardio and then that I shouldn't do cardio.

I really just need someone to play Dr. Frankenstein with me and give me a true program that will help burn off some fat and add a little muscle. I will add that twice a week I do a barre class - I love this class and want to continue to do it so I will plan my weight training (and possible cardio?) around it.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me!!!


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How long have you been lifting for?
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    About 8 weeks. I did 4 weeks of the supersets and then switched to the splits.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would highly recommend going back to a 3 x a week full body routine. There is no reason for you to be doing splits at this stage to be honest.

    What are your goals? More strength focus or more 'definition' focus?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    About 8 weeks. I did 4 weeks of the supersets and then switched to the splits.

    Changing your programming will help some but a much bigger portion of this is diet mediated.
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    I'm looking more for definition - so losing a bit of fat would help. Does the superset workout help accomplish that?
    Also - should I be doing cardio? If so, how much?

    I'm working on the diet side of things. I actually eat fairly well - but probably consume too much dairy (cheese is my weakness!).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm looking more for definition - so losing a bit of fat would help.
    Also - should I be doing cardio? If so, how much?

    I'm working on the diet side of things. I actually eat fairly well - but probably consume too much dairy (cheese is my weakness!).

    This program is a good one.

    A Simple beginner's Routine
    You will do 3 work outs per week on non consecutive days. The first work out is your heavy work out. The second work out is your medium work out, use 10% less weight for your work sets. The final work out for the week is your lite work out, use 20% less weight.

    Do a lite warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight. Do a medium warm up with 1/2 of your work sets weight. Do 2 work sets with the same weight. Choose a starting weight and start light.

    These are the seven exercises you will be starting with.

    Bench Presses
    Bent-Over Rows
    Overhead Barbell Presses
    Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
    Barbell Curls
    Calf Raises

    You will be running this program on a five week cycle as follows:
    The first week do all 4 sets for 8 reps.
    The second week do all 4 sets for 9 reps.
    The third week do all 4 sets for 10 reps.
    The fourth week do all 4 sets for 11 reps.
    The fifth week do all 4 sets for 12 reps.
    If you got all of the required reps on the fifth week then increase the weight by 10% and

    repeat the cycle. If you didn't get all of the reps on the fifth week then repeat the cycle with the same weight. You shouldn't need more than one minute rest between the warm up sets and you shouldn't need more than one minute thirty seconds between the work sets.
    Do some cardio and abs work on non weight training days.

    Use this for form instruction on the compound lifts:

    Eat at a small caloric deficit (about 250 cals) - you can still get the benefit of 'newbie gains' - until you get down to a BF that is more desirable to you.
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    This is awesome - thank you! Can I assume that my barre classes on non-lifting days are OK?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This is awesome - thank you! Can I assume that my barre classes on non-lifting days are OK?

    How intensively do you use your muscles?
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    It's a mixture of yoga and ballet moves. You basically work a muscle (with bodyweight exercises) and then stretch. My legs, arms and butt are definitely on fire while doing the exercises but I don't feel like jello the way I do sometimes after a hard weight training workout. I know that is a bit vague but it's the best way I can describe it :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Which days do you do these classes? I ask as I want to think about scheduling. Are there specific days you can/cannot do strength training?
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    The classes are on Thursday and Sunday. I was thinking I would do my strength training on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Does that leave enough rest time? Would another schedule work better?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The classes are on Thursday and Sunday. I was thinking I would do my strength training on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Does that leave enough rest time? Would another schedule work better?

    This schedule looks good to me. If you are finding that the strength training is causing performance issues with the classes, then please feel free to get back to us on this thread and we can try to figure out a work around.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Locking as part of our new procedure to try to help is track open threads:

    Feel free to PM either myself of SideSteel to unlock of you want to add anything.
This discussion has been closed.