Hanging on by a thread (post)

King22046 Posts: 23 Member
After an extraordinarily mentally exhausting day, all I want is simple carbs and salt. Bagels, chips, bacon etc. :explode:

I don't have the energy to work out to exhaust and distract myself from these cravings. With no offline support team, it's even harder. The people in my life are of the "a little bit won't hurt" variety.

So.....what do you guys do to cope with stress eating?


  • TNDamisi
    TNDamisi Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry about your cruddy day. *hugs*

    Depending on how severe the stress is, sometimes I'll just declare it an impromptu cheat day and just go nuts. Then I'll just be strict(er) the rest of the week. Usually though, in that case I don't actually stuff myself as much as I would in years past - I guess the fact that I've been building good eating habits takes away from how much junk I can cram in my cakehole. Also, I usually don't keep much on hand, so if I have to go buy the salty carby goodness, laziness wins out and I'll eat whatever's I have at home (mostly healthy stuff), which can be bad too.

    The other way I cope is by keeping a diary (yeah, yeah, I know, it's high schoolish, but still) and just write down everything that's pissing me off/making me depressed/working my last damn nerve and all the stuff I'd like to say/do to people. Ninety percent of the time, that'll calm me down enough where I don't feel the need to gorge on chocolate or chips. Either that, or I'll be so exhausted from spilling my guts that I just don't feel like eating.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    So.....what do you guys do to cope with stress eating?

    I eat.
    Find a healthy comfort food for you, within your diet plan.
    Sometimes stressing about eating those particular foods cause more stress. Instead, find a variation of it. If you like bacon, try getting the least fattening bacon out there (most likely turkey bacon). Instead of eating a whole strip, eat half; just get the taste-buds satisfied.
    If you want chips, get baked, or sunchips.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    The other way I cope is by keeping a diary (yeah, yeah, I know, it's high schoolish, but still) and just write down everything that's pissing me off/making me depressed/working my last damn nerve and all the stuff I'd like to say/do to people.

    You could use the MFP blog.
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    Those are all great suggestions. Thankfully, I don't have any "bad" food in the house and I'm not going out to get any. I only have a cheat meal on the first of the month, so I'll have to wait until Friday for that one. I do journal occasionally, but I think this night will end with a glass of wine and a long bath

    Thanks for reading and responding to my mini rant!
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    So.....what do you guys do to cope with stress eating?

    I eat.
    Find a healthy comfort food for you, within your diet plan.
    Sometimes stressing about eating those particular foods cause more stress. Instead, find a variation of it. If you like bacon, try getting the least fattening bacon out there (most likely turkey bacon). Instead of eating a whole strip, eat half; just get the taste-buds satisfied.
    If you want chips, get baked, or sunchips.

    Eating a half strip of turkey bacon would put me in worse mood than I am now :-)
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    The other way I cope is by keeping a diary (yeah, yeah, I know, it's high schoolish, but still) and just write down everything that's pissing me off/making me depressed/working my last damn nerve and all the stuff I'd like to say/do to people.

    You could use the MFP blog.
    I've never blogged before. I guess I can give that a try to get stuff out. I really need friends around me that can relate to the daily struggle to get healthy.