Fat Fast Cookbok Recipe Discussion

kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
I know a few people have bought the cookbook and have been making recipes. I wanted to have a thread to discuss recipes, what folks like and don't like.

Here are a few I've done.

Boursin Stuffed Mushrooms. Very good! It bugged me that they didn't design the recipe around a package of Boursin. I modified it to use 10 oz mushrooms and 1 package boursin, which makes 3 servings. I also found that softening the boursin made it much easier to deal with.

Individual Pumpkin Pies. LOVE THESE! Not super high in fat, but she does point out that you should add whipped cream, to get the fat up. I did find that the pumpkin pie spice was too light. I'd recommend doubling that and using a full teaspoon. When we made the whipped cream, we added a TSP of Torani caramel syrup, which was soooo good with the pumpkin.

Ham and Cheese Cups. Another big winner - and my husband's favorite item so far. These puffed up gorgeously, like little souffles (and then deflated into little shrunken souffles). But really tasty. We had to use muffin tins to make them (all of my ramekins were tied up in Pumpkin Pies). The muffin form isn't as big, so I ended up with 7 instead of 6. My tip here is that I found it really hard to pour the mixture into the cups - it was a mess! The solid stuff would plop out into the cup and cause an overflow. Next time I'm going to put my ham and cheese into the cups, and just pour the liquid over them.

Keto Coffee - Pretty good, but I like my Bulletproof Coffee (with cocoa) better.

Others that I'm really looking forward to trying: Butter Roasted Pecans; Curried Pecans; Coco Cocoa Fat Bombs; Mocha Mascarpone Mousse. I'm equally fascinated and repulsed by the Shirataki noodles. I'd like to hear someone try those before I spend money on them. But some of those recipes look best of all (mac and cheese, fettuccini with pesto, fettuccini with alfredo, fettuccini with pancetta cream).

Anyway - share what you've tried, what you've liked, and what you didn't like. So far I've been really pleased with the cookbook - I've definitely made more from this in the last 10 days, than any of the other cookbooks I've bought while doing LC.
Chocolate Whip - Good and Basic. I did add some Torani raspberry syrup to this, which was awesome.


  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Great post!!!! I will be honest and tell you that I got the miracle noodles and they are sitting in my fridge looking at me... I dry fried a package of angel hair shirataki a few months ago to use like lo mein and it was 'ok' rubbery, tasteless, and later on I was bloated... I think with the right recipe thou might be worth a shot... btw you are doing excellent!!!
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    I love this idea Kira! Here's what I've tried and my thoughts:

    BPC - I made my own version, but still within the limits. I do 1T butter, 1T coconut oil, 1T cream, and coffee. I removed the cocoa before going on the FF. But I do miss having the 2nd tablespoon of butter.

    Ham & Egg cup - My experience was the same as yours, except I substituted the ham for bacon. I'm not a big fan of ham. I like having these handy.

    Avocado salad - I thought this was kind of boring. And I'd like to change the lime juice for lemon juice when I have it tomorrow. Thinking of adding some spices to it too. It is a very easy thing to whip up though.

    Avocado, Cheddar & Bacon Deviled Eggs - I'm a big fan of these. I add S&P and paprika. I love the color of the stuffing, as well as how high I can pile it on the eggs. It's amazing that having just one egg (2 halves) can fill me for 3 hours.

    Steamed Asparagus & Chipotle Mayo - This is one of my favorites. I've always roasted my asparagus in the oven with olive oil & parmasen, but they don't reheat very well. I liked learning this technique of microwaving them. And the mayo? OMG. I loved discovering a new item to buy in my grocery store. Finding the pepper was a little tricky, but well worth it!

    Coco Cocoa Fat Bomb - Unbelievable! Looks like and tasted like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup to me. I can't wait to make more.

    Jalapeno Poppers - This has been the biggest looking "meal" I've had on FF. These also were very, very good.

    Cream Cheese Jalapeno Crunchies - Wow! Sweet, spicy, crunchy and creamy all in one bite. I never would have put this combo together, but I'm glad Dana did!

    As for the Shirataki Noodles, I've had them a few times before reading FF, and once since. I think the difference has been using her technique in preparing them. I had them on Sunday using her method, and poured some Double Cheese Sauce over them. Not bad at all! I look forward to trying some of her recipes using them though.

    Thank you so much for introducing this book to me!

    I put these three posts up today with more info on my experience, along with some photos of the food:
    Overview: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/2bmeagain12/view/fat-fast-overview-intro-496748
    Day #1: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/2bmeagain12/view/fat-fast-day-1-recap-496812
    Day #2: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/2bmeagain12/view/fat-fast-day-2-recap-496929
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I made the peanut butter fat bombs and they are pretty good. I had to add extra stevia drops to get them to taste as sweet as I wanted.

    I love the ham & cheese cups. They will be a staple in my diet. I think next time I will try the bacon in them. I cooked mine in a muffin tin as well. I used a 1/2 cup measuring cup to dip the mix into the muffin tin. I scooped from the bottom to get an equal amount of ham in each and then poured the liquid over the top to even them up.

    I made my own avocado salad up with lemon juice and S&P. It was fine in a pinch. I would love to find another way to do it.

    I am still doing BP coffee with 1 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tbsp of Kerrygold and a couple drops of vanilla stevia.

    I made the pumpkin cheesecake. It will do. I had to add more spice and extra cinnamon. I also added extra stevia drops (I see a theme here) : - )

    I made the broccoli and cheese soup. It is pretty good. I don't think it keeps me as full as long as some of the other items. I will continue to make it but add extra broccoli and probably some bacon crumbled on top.

    I want those deviled eggs! I will have to wait until I go back to the store.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    I posted pics of my Cream Cheese Jalapeno Crunchies this morning: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/2bmeagain12/view/fat-fast-day-3-recap-497301
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I just bought the book a couple of days ago and was quite surprised that I had many of the ingredients already. Then I wondered "why didnt I think of that?" I am going to be doing recipe reviews on my website but I would love to join in this thread as well. I know a lot of people in the reviews mentioned so many recipes were easily found by Google, but I didnt know what to look for and when I searched "fat fast" I didnt get much. Glad I got this cookbook and fun that there are people here reviewing it!

    I need to be more social on MFP and use the tools available. I never think about the groups - I would if they were built into the apps!
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Macha Mascarpone Mousse was amazing! Unfortunately I left out the cocoa. I can't wait to re-try with the cocoa next time.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I tried the Fat Fast Mac and Cheese. it was a failure for us. here we're the issues.
    1) The coconut oil was a prominent flavor. Yuck - coconut oil and cheese do not mix. Next time I will use some butter instead.
    2) The jury is still out on the shiratake noodles. The texture is weird. Someone else mentioned that thicker noodles like fettuccine were tougher, so maybe a think noodle next time is needed.

    It did have a nice creamy cheese sauce. yes, we will try again. (we kind of have to - we bought 3 more packages of those damn noodles!)
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    I am making some of these recipes today but I am not a fan of shiritaki's (ate them a lot on previous low carb plan) but was thinking of spiraling zucchini to make noodles. Hopefully it will work since I am on day 8 of keto and have regained 4 lbs of initial weight loss. So maddening!