New member

:happy: hello everyone. I just joined the group. I joined my fitness pal January 7th. I lost 13 pounds but gained 3 back due to lack of motivation. I'm hoping your group will help keep me on track. I love my fitnesspal . Working 2 jobs and home life makes me get off track sometimes. I'm proud of the fact that I have lost 10 pounds. But it would be more like 16 if I could keep myself on track.


  • Hi! :) great to have you in the group.
    I've experienced pretty much the same thing as you, I took my eye off the ball for a while, and before I knew it I had gained a stone in weight. Now I struggle to shift it due to limited time for myself.
    I do really hope we can all keep each other on track to our weight loss goals.
    It's so tough, for example before I had time to talk myself out of it this morning, I had eaten some of my daughter's birthday cake!!

    Why not check out my own food diary, and perhaps share yours? It has really helped me to think twice about eating bad foods, knowing that my friends can see that I've cheated!! (I had to admit to the cake incident) ;) x
  • Thank you for your response. Although it' s not good that we both regained weight losses, it's good to know I'm not alone in disappointing myself. It sounds like I joined the right group. Some of the foods on my food guide are not good for us. I just limit the amount I eat when I eat them. You may not want my recipes Lol.
  • Life's too short not to enjoy a little indulgence from time to time. :drinker:

    For me, although I'm disappointed I gained all my weight, I now feel quite excited about getting back the old 'me'.
    It's given me a kick up the backside to get active anyhow! :blushing: