New Member

Hi all! My name is Kylee and I just joined this group this morning! I have been on MFP(Again) for about a week and I had my first weigh in this morning, losing 4.6 pounds!!! My goal weight is 150 from my original weight of 233.8 I was not sure how much I would lose and I was afraid that I was going to gain because I only worked out once last Thursday. I was on my way to take a cardio dance class on Monday when I slipped on the sidewalk walking up to the fitness studio. I went to the ER later that evening and I have a break in my butt so working out is very difficult as it is hard for me to bend and sit. So I would love to hear from others who have tips and getting some sort of fitness in while dealing with injuries.


  • Joannavictoriaashley
    Hi Kylee, sorry to hear about your accident! Maybe fitness is actually bad for our health after all! :noway:
    Do you suffer much pain when walking? I would suggest (as long as doctors ok it) that you
    work at a power walking routine, perhaps using hills if there are any nearby?
    Otherwise a treadmill using an incline. You can add a bit of variation to a treadmill workoutby playing with speed (fartlek training), or by working through intervals of different speeds and inclines. You could do some upper body work while standing, using dumb bells or resistance bands too,and there are plenty of abdominal exercises you could do while standing. :smile:
  • kyleesartwell
    As long as I don't walk with a wide stride, I don't have a lot of pain. And thanks for the tip on upper body work! I have a small set of dumbells and I think I have a resistance band somewhere!
  • Joannavictoriaashley
    Anything you do to add/tone muscle mass, will help avoid any annoying weight gain - even if you can only manage upper body. Don't forget calf raises too! :smile: