Help! Trying to loose baby weight

Hello, I just joined this group as I was curious by the same and so impressed after reading a few posts.

All my life I have struggled with eating disorders but right after my pregnancy I was determined to loose weight healthy way this time around. I don't want to be trapped into eating-too-less-then-binge cycle this time around so I thought I'll do some planning:

I am 5 feet tall and a small frame person.
SW: 143 (Dec 28 2012)
CW: 130 (Feb 28 2013)
GW: 115

Its been exactly 2 months (60 days) of tracking and exercising, I have lost little more than 10 lbs by doing Jillian's home workout videos (30 DS mainly + some cardio workouts like Tae bo on youtube) and I am down to size 6/4 from 8 but still need lot of belly fat to loose to get back to myself. I have very recently started strength training with 5 lbs weights and my planned schedule is like this for next 60 days so that I can reach my goal weight or near before summer (my problem area is mainly belly fat after having baby)

Mon: Weight Training (30 to 35 Minutes): Upper body
Tues: Cardio +abs workout (30 minutes)
Wed: Weight Training (30 to 35 Minutes): Upper body
Thurs: Cardio +abs workout (30 minutes)
Fri: Rest Day
Sat: Cardio + abs + strength training mix workout (60 minutes)
Sun: Cardio +abs + strength training mix workout (60 minutes)

Note: my problem is most days I'm within my calorie limit but I don't eat clean always like I do eat fried rice, pizza with cheese, small financier cakes, muffins low calorie ones. And other thing is like most people I see here, I don't see a difference in my weight on a weekly basis so I stop looking but then see scale moves by couple of lbs like 4 or more which is so weird to me.

Daily Calorie Limit: I don't stay within MFP recommended 1200 but as per my stats (calculated TDEE using this online calculator (

TDEE: 2027
Deficit: 20 to 30%
Daily limit: 1418 to 1621 (most days + 500 for breastfeeding 4-5 times a day)

I want to know If the weight training + cardio will work for me and if this looks like a good plan to you guys. Looking for some feedback. TIA :)


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What is your average gross intake for the last 2 months?

    I will respond to your other comments shortly.
  • nehami
    nehami Posts: 16
    I would say total intake was 2000 (including 500 for nursing) except a few cheat days like 2 or 3 in these two months. From today itself I have reduced breastfeeding cals to 400 instead of 500.
  • nehami
    nehami Posts: 16
    Will look forward to your response.
    What is your average gross intake for the last 2 months?

    I will respond to your other comments shortly.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry, this got lost so retagging so I can answer tomorrow (well, later today!)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You have been losing at a reasonable rate so I would not adjust your calories.

    I would however change your exercise schedule. You have no leg workout and you are doing abs too frequently.

    You should look to do a full body workout 3 x a week and add in cardio where/if you want. The 5lb weights are not going to do much for you from a strength training perspective.

    Do you have access to a gym?