The first few days are the worst....



  • nondomesticgoddess
    nondomesticgoddess Posts: 40 Member
    Yep. Day # 2 this a.m. Getting down to the mat was R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! I am so glad there was no one there to see my struggle. My knees and front of my thighs felt decimated before the workout, but I pushed through and feel better for it.

    I do modify the jumping in the cardio because I do have bad knees. I try to do at least 30 seconds each of the JJ and Jump Roping, but then switch to high step marching. I'm hoping to be able to do the full course of the jumping by day 10 of this level though...just need to ease my knees into it :)

    I have been doing the eliptical and treadmill at the gym for several weeks and was surprised when I had so much difficulty with this program! I am working small muscles that I don't work out with cardio though, so I am thrilled! I lost weight on cardio, but still felt really flabby all over...I think I am gonna feel so much leaner when I am done with this program.

    So excited!!! So glad to have all of your posts to keep me motivated too! Have a great day everyone!
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Day 4 is totally the "magic day"! :) You won't get sore again after that!!

    I found this to be true as well. Days 2 & 3 were awful with thigh and calf pain. Day 4 was finally better and I did Day 5 today! Yay! I WILL DO THIS!
  • 33RIPlg
    33RIPlg Posts: 8 Member
    Doing day one wasn't so bad, but now I am really sore and I still have to make through day two. And after a long day of work and kids. I sure hope this is worth it.