Introduction and Chat March 1



  • dottymckay
    Hello everyone!

    I love hearing your stories. I am 30 years old, married, with no children but hoping to start a family in the coming year. I have decided to get healthy for myself. Two years ago I successfully lost 60lbs on a different program. I unfortunately gained it all back after going through life stress with starting a new job and being in a very competitive school program. Either way, no excuses! This is my new mantra. I want to be the best version of myself and my weight is holding me back.

    What else can I tell you about myself? I work in the medical field. I recently started introducing the cardio back into my life and it's been a great stress buster. I am getting interested in kettlebells. My goals? I want to lose at least 40lbs (although my target is more around 60). I am currently 202, my highest weight was 213 and my lowest weight was 141. I'm 5'7.

    I hope to contribute to this community and cheer others along. My current favorite motivational quote is by Mark Twain, I thought I'd share it:
    “If you know you have to swallow a frog, swallow it first thing in the morning. If there are two frogs, swallow the big one first.”
    -Mark Twain
    It sounds funny but when I want to put off exercising or another task that I don't want to do, I just say to myself "swallow your frog." LOL :)

    Cheers everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • poleydog
    poleydog Posts: 37 Member
    Hello all,

    I have been on MFP for nearly a year. Ive lost 34lb , but fo the last 3 months have been just sitting idle. I've not lost or gained any weight, but now I want to re focus and lose the other 30lbs.

    I'm in New Zealand, married to a diabetic who can't/wont/doesn't cook so all the food choices are up to me which should make things easier but doesn't always. We have had a beautiful summer and coming home from work it is all too easy to sit down with a cold beer , nuts , cheese and crackers and then not want to get up to prepare a healthy meal and go out and do exercise. Thats the excuse but the reality is there is nothing stopping me from re focusing and getting back on track.

    I do alot of biking for exercise, we live by a river that has alot of biking tracks along the banks so thats easy to do.

    I sit and travel all day, Im work as a sales rep.

    I plan to be on here daily and to let you all know how I am going.

    Look forward to getting to know you all
  • Sirli_79
    Sirli_79 Posts: 31
    Hi there!

    It is very nice to read all of your stories. I live in Ireland for 9 years, originally from Estonia. (A small country in northern Europe) All my life I've been fighting to lose weight. I do not remember how many times I've joined Weight Watchers, have different diets. Joined gym and then quit. I have suffered from eating disorders. So my weight has been a yo-yo, up and down. I still have Night Eating Disorder. I'm trying to drink more water during the day and eat properly in order to avoid night eating.
    Thanks to MFP, I have found a good ideas, how to keep myself active. Downloaded some fitness programs -by Jillian Michaels 30DS, Ripped in 30, etc and P90X. And yesterday, I started at the gym.
    I set myself a small targets- like get healthy BMI, lose a stone, run 5K under 30 min, etc

    I wish everyone a good weight loss.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    New Zealand, Ireland..I'm in Canada...we're such an international group!

    But with a common goal :)

    So happy everybody joined!
  • Simplifylifetowin
    Simplifylifetowin Posts: 11 Member
    I have always loved my size 14 self. I work in a corporate world and look forward to dressing every morning...until I could no longer fit into my beautiful clothes... All my favorites had dust on the shoulders due to hanging in the closet to long.. I disguised as much as I could invested in " swing jackets" sweaters, and pants with no zippers.... I dreaded getting dressed... Voices in my head
    Ugly fat worthless just give up ..don't set yourself up for failure... We have all been there... I am on week 2 ... Have all my armor on and I am ready to lose 30- 40 lbs by my birthday in late June.. I always lose on weight watchers .. This time I won't gain it back!! Thanks so much for setting this group up.. I look forward to checking in. Gods speed everybody... I know I am not alone!
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi! Just stumbled on your post. I'm going to celebrate my 58th birthday next week and I share all of your dreams and goals. My weight crept up over 20 years of raising 2 children while working full time and generally not taking care of myself. Guess what, over time I lost the ability to take care of myself. Reclaiming that right. My 40th high school reunion is in August and I plan to be 30 pounds lighter. I was doing great in December and with New Year's resolutions, then got side tracked by cold/flu etc. for over a month. So glad February is a short month because I'm ready to go in March.

    At least you came back and thats the first your heading in the right direction....I believe you can lose the 30lbs by August, we are all here for support and this is a great place for encouragement!!!1 keep up the good work!