Looking for some guidance...

kjskates12 Posts: 2 Member
Hi there.... not sure if I'm doing this right because I've never posted in any of the forums before. I need help too though, so thought I would try here. I've been using MFP for months now, and haven't lost an ounce. It's motivated me to watch what I eat more, and to be more active, but I would like to see some improvement in the body fat % area if possible, and just don't understand the whole TDEE, BMR mumbo jumbo enough to really know what to do. I've been bouncing around at different calorie levels hoping something would work, but nothing has so far.
Anyway, if you can help, here's some of my stats: Age 45, Female, 5'4" tall, size 8 (Canada), scale says 149-152 and my body fat % is 36-37% depending on the day. I do have a desk job, but get up often. I work out 3 - 4 days a week with different things like cardio, Zumba, Insanity (although I hate that one), 30 day shred, weight lifting, squats and lunges, bosu ball etc. I have a gym in my basement with a squat rack and bench as well as an elliptical and various free weights, bosu ball, yoga ball etc. I can open my food journal for you, but I'm not sure how you do it. I would be forever grateful if you could set me on a path to success!
