

  • carfamily08
    carfamily08 Posts: 179
    What are the rest days?

    The program is meant to be done 30 days straight with no rest days.

    So, take a rest day whenever you need it or see if you can power through all 30 days. I will personally be taking a day off from 30DS every 3-4 days but keeping up with a longer yoga session or something low impact.

    It is actually not. Jillian herself recommends rest days for it. The "30 Day" part is more of a marketing gimick.

    I completed it in about 40 days (took rest days as I needed them) - trying to do 30 straight days would've been asking for an injury for me. Some people can do it, but you need to listen to your body and go at the pace that is best for you :)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Here is a thread with lots of thoughts on the subject! :)


    Thanks, that thread link was very helpful. I did Day 1/Level 1 today, but also did 20 min. stationary bike and walked my dog. I guess I'll know tomorrow based on how if feel :wink:
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    My "goal' is to do my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution in the morning (I am finishing week 1) and then do my 30d shred in the afternoon...if I still have energy left I will try to do something on the Wii fitness games I have or walk dogs/treadmill....I love jillian and she can yell at me all she wants!!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input.

    In the thread linked had a great post that suggested something like 2-3 days of 30DS, cardio day, rest day. That sounds pretty perfect, actually.
    Based on how I'm feeling going into day 3, I'm not going to worry about doing too much every day, for now. I'm going to try to keep getting a little extra walking or housework in to keep me moving a bit more but I can tell my body is working. Maybe I'll kick it up a notch next week, we'll see.
    My muscles are telling me I could really use to do some yoga, I skipped it yesterday and feel worse for it, or maybe it was all the extra calories I've consumed in the past couple of days.
  • nondomesticgoddess
    nondomesticgoddess Posts: 40 Member
    Based on recs from other threads, I'm gonna do 2 days shred, cardio day (30 -45 mins), 2 days shred, cardio day, rest day.. I've done 2 days of the shred and my muscles are so sore I'm really looking forward to breaking for cardio tomorrow! This will actually take closer to two months if I do 10 days for each level, but that is okay. I've written down my "goal schedule" on a calendar. I'm hoping being able to check off each day (and have those "rest" days in black and white to look forward to) will help keep me motivated.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm adding this to my other stuff. I try to get to the gym 4 days a week (a mix of classes, weight machines and cardio). I'm trying to step up my walkings/elliptical. I joined a 50 Mile March. I also have joined two "daily challenge" groups here on MFP that give some challenges. For example: eat a salad, 100 squats, 100 lateral twist etc...

    Ok, now I've done some more research and Jillian indicates that you should take rest days (the thread posted earlier is helpfuL) So I'm going to do 1-2 rest days off a week (as needed).